It's finance day today, so a must do task which thankfully means staying indoors. In a cool room! With plenty of cold drinks! I don't cope well with this heat.
My bank has 'updated' the terms on one of my accounts so I want to assess their other types of accounts to see if one of those would now be better and while I'm doing that, I may as well check what all the other banks are offering. I'm hoping it won't take too long. I have some filing to do as well.
Once that's done, assuming I can summon up the enthusiasm, I want to take some photos of the things I want to sell. Over the next week or so I'd like to get all the photos and descriptions of each item ready, but I won't necessarily place the adverts yet. Most of the items will be sold as 'buyer to collect' and I don't feel ready to have people coming to the house. One possible approach is to complete the transaction in the garage where social distancing is possible, but I need to think about it.
It should be the choir quiz tonight but I'm not sure if it'll be on as there is a choir Zoom social evening on Sunday which will also include a quiz, so this evening's one may be cancelled. I have something arranged with friends so can't 'go' to the social which is a shame. The musical being screened is the encore version of The Sound of Music which I watched about four weeks ago so I will probably give that a miss as well. I'll have to find something else to do instead won't I?
I know! I can carry on searching for planting ideas. I have the bones of an initial plan which I will discuss with Danielle next time she is here - most of the proposed planting is my 'ideal' but I may need to tweak it if she thinks certain plants won't do well in my garden, or she may have better suggestions. I can share the plan with you if you are interested?
I was quite disappointed to see that the show is a repeat. I enjoyed it very much but not so much that I would want to watch it over again. I'll look for something else.
ReplyDeleteI would be VERY interested in seeing your garden plans.
There are so many other possibilities that it's disappointing. I think it may be something to do with the fact that this time it is available in the USA and the previous screening wasn't.
DeleteI will start sharing my garden ideas next week. 😊
I haven't had much success in moving things around. The energy company I moved to went bust and I've gone back to the internet company I was with before. I once went through lots of different banking options. It took me several days and I didn't act on any of the ideas I came across. I'm often feeling that the hassle and worry of changing is not worth the small amount of money saved. (Though I would not want to put you off if you find a very good deal.)
ReplyDeleteIt's a bit like pushing treacle uphill! I can't see any major benefits in moving but I also can't get through to my own bank to get the clarification I need before making a decision. I'll probably end up doing nothing!
DeleteGood luck with the banking-related work. I tend to be a 'pick one thing and stay with it' kind of person, so, don't switch around a lot. Switching service providers stresses me out, too much! LOL.
ReplyDeleteI am another person who will be interested in seeing (or, reading about) your garden plans. I am trying to figure out what to grow in the side yard, myself. :)
Hope you are having a good day - it's a little after 12:00 p.m., my time, so I think it is probably early evening, for you.
It's 8:22pm. It's been quite a frustrating day trying to sort out the bank. I haven't finished so it's a job for Monday now.
DeleteThe highlight was winning the choir quiz about an hour ago 😊
I'm posting about my garden ideas next week.
Olá, Eileen! Finalmente estou passando neste seu cantinho de novo... que já estou seguindo!
ReplyDeleteEstimo que o seu dia, tenha corrido o melhor possível... e que tenha conseguido fazer, tudo conforme teria idealizado!...
Peço desculpa, por só agora estar correspondendo à sua gentil visita, no outro dia, por lá no meu canto em tenho andado um pouco menos presente na Net... pois com esta pandemia, tenho a minha mãe por perto, que pertence a um grupo de risco... pelo que no momento, estou submersa entre mil rotinas de precaução adicionais... para evitar que ela tenha problemas... dado que a situação por estes lados, também não está fácil... com os lares de idosos, já acusando imensos casos de contágios...
Sempre que me for possível, dentro da minha disponibilidade agora um pouco limitada, no momento... será um prazer imenso, vir espreitar este seu espaço, que estou a apreciar imenso!
Deixo um beijinho e votos de um feliz fim de semana, com saúde e tranquilidade!
Translation: Hello, Eileen! I'm finally passing in this little corner of yours again ... I'm already following!
DeleteI estimate that your day went as smoothly as possible ... and that you managed to do everything, as you would have thought! ...
I apologize, for only now I am responding to your kind visit, the other day, over there in my corner at I have been a little less present on the Net ... because with this pandemic, I have my mother close by , which belongs to a risk group ... so at the moment, I am submerged among a thousand additional precautionary routines ... to prevent her from having problems ... given that the situation on these sides is not easy either. ... with nursing homes, already reporting immense cases of contagion ...
Whenever possible, within my availability, which is now somewhat limited, at the moment ... it will be an immense pleasure to come and take a look at your space, which I am really enjoying!
I leave a kiss and wishes you a happy weekend, with health and tranquility!
It's a pleasure to read your lovely comments, and definitely no need to apologise ... caring for your Mum must rightly come first. I hope you both stay safe at this difficult time.
Dealing with banks is almost as difficult as dealing with the cable company. Congrats on winning the quiz tonight. Happy weekend.
ReplyDeleteThank you ... the quiz cheered me up after a frustrating day dealing with the banks!
DeleteHope you and Mr Man have a great weekend too x