
I have a cold! No sign of any symptoms at all yesterday, but I've woken with a streaming cold, headache and a bit of a sore throat. If it follows the usual path, it'll settle on my chest and I'll lose my voice ... not really what I want when band starts up on Saturday and I'll be in the local schools from Monday to run the brass instrument workshops to encourage some new starters. But I'm staying positive and will do the best I can {grins}.

The following photo was taken on the way back to my car yesterday after meeting S, and is for the SPSH # 12: something crooked ...

I have to wait in for a delivery this morning so am hoping to do a bit in the garden ... some sort of girlie gardening, nothing too strenuous, but I want to be out in the fresh air. I spent too long chatting with S yesterday so didn't get out to take anything photos as by the time I arrived home it was trying to rain again and the light was poor. It's that time of year! G will be here to cut my hair this afternoon, and hopefully L will call in for a coffee and a chat after she finishes work.

I'm taking a break from book group reading and have started on 'Whistle In The Dark' by Emma Healey. I enjoyed her first novel, 'Elizabeth Is Missing' and this one looks as if it will be just as good. The next book group isn't until October 1st so I have plenty of time to read the chosen book, 'Heresy'.

Today's new to me recipe is rumbledethumps! I feel excited about it already and I haven't even had breakfast yet! Breakfast is a take on a continental breakfast with gammon, tomatoes, hard boiled eggs and a small piece of cheddar, and lunch will be vegetable soup. I don't know yet whether I will have anything else with the rumbledethumps or just have it as the main dish on its own. But first, I need to get washed and dressed and get the day started. Back tomorrow!


  1. Oh, no. Do you think it might be an autumnal reaction to something? WHen my hay fever first landed, for a couple of years I thought it was a nasty summer cold.
    Good luck with the rumbledethumps.

    1. I get mild hayfever every year in July and that's been and gone. Unfortunately this is definitely a cold. I usually get one every year about this time but usually after I've been back in the schools for a few days and the children have kindly shared all their germs with me. I can't blame them this time though!

      I'll use the Pinch of Nom recipe for the rumbledethumps but couldn't find it online to link to it.

  2. Oh summer colds and/or colds in general. Colds take on the whole body into a kind of misery. I am sending lots of good healing thoughts across the pond. Like & chuckled at the recipe name; rumbledethumps. Turnip is quite popular here especially in the Autumn & on Thanksgiving tables. And that rose just keeps on giving you it's very best efforts.

    1. So far today the cold has knocked me for six and I haven't done anything. I do have the rumbledethumps to look forward to though 😁

      The rose is putting on a good show this year.

  3. Sorry to hear you've a cold. Take lots of vitamin C and rest! I like your "something crooked" photo! I've never heard of rumbledethumps! The description sounds a bit like bubble and squeak, although the latter is made with leftover mashed potatoes, isn't it? Haven't had either, though! Hope you feel better, soon!

    1. Don't worry, I had plenty of rest today. I did very little at all and just wanted to sleep. I did cook the rumbledethumps (yes, very like bubble and squeak) but as often happens with a cold, couldn't really taste it properly. I'll freeze the rest and try it again in a couple of weeks.

      Bubble and squeak is made with left over mash but I often make it with left over roast potatoes - I always cook extra veg and roast potatoes when I cook a roast dinner so that there is left overs for the bubble and squeak.

  4. Only tried rumbledethumps once, when I found it reduced in Tesco. Quite enjoyed it.
    Sorry to hear about the cold. I guess that's what happens when you live in such a wet climate 😉

    1. It's a nice easy meal, so although I couldn't really taste and enjoy it today, I will make it again.

      It hasn't rained yet today although there are some dark clouds heading in this direction so we may get some 🤔🤔😁

  5. So sorry about the cold!!!! -sigh-

    Please take it very easy. Your body is fighting off "germs," and needs all the rest it can get, for the fight.

    Thank you for your additions to my List of Autumn Joys! Simply love all the commented additions. -smile-


    1. I'm not doing very much at all so no worries!


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