
Yesterday proved to be a quiet-ish day at home, starting out busy but with plenty of time to relax in the later part of the day. 

I'm aiming to get all chores completed and out of the way before lunchtime, so the morning was spent in the kitchen. I did two loads of washing, dried one load in the tumble dryer, ironed everything and put it away. The second load was left to dry on a clothes rack. 

I sliced up the gammon joint and the rest of the pork joint, and also cooked a bolognese sauce and a shepherdess pie. All of that has been portioned and frozen. I need to come up with some ideas for vegetarian meals that will freeze well if anyone has any suggestions please. 

Monday is admin day as well but there wasn't much to do this time, just a few emails to reply to so the admin is up to date. I've been using the 5 minute rule - if it takes 5 minutes or less to complete a task I do it straight away. It makes a big difference.

After lunch I spent some time looking for free/cheap local daytime events but had no luck finding anything new so I'll have to keep looking. After that, I dealt with the deadheading in the back garden (I don't class gardening as one of my chores) and then settled on the patio with a mug of coffee to enjoy the outside while I can but there was a chilly breeze so I didn't sit outside for long!

Indoors I watched the end of 'Tenable' and then 'Tipping Point', and then sorted out my main meal. I like to eat quite early, between 5pm and 6pm, and there wasn't much prep needed as I'd plated up an extra meal on Sunday so only had to reheat the meal and make some gravy. 

Monday evening was the book group meeting to discuss 'Foundation' by Isaac Asimov. Opinion on the book was divided but there was a lively discussion and it was good to meet up with everyone. Our next choice is 'Heresy' by S J Parris, which I think is more my thing and I'm looking forward to reading it.

Today, I've been in to town to buy some odds and ends and this afternoon I'm going to an afternoon film club in Bradford on Avon to see 'Fisherman's Friends' which I missed when it was in the cinema. I've heard good reviews on the film so am looking forward to a good afternoon's entertainment. 


  1. I've never read 'Foundation' - maybe I ought to give it a go. It's a classic in its way so why not?
    Have a lovely day - your plans sound great.

    1. I will probably carry on and read the other two books in the original trilogy (as long as they are available from the library), just because as you say, it's a classic.

  2. Goodness that rose just keeps on giving ... nothing like a new read that you have been looking forward to. I've not heard of the film Fisherman's Friends, must go look that one up.

    1. I'm back home after watching the film - loved it.

      Another rose photo tomorrow!

  3. I love that rose plant of yours! So pretty!

    Sounds like you had a productive couple of days with some pleasant entertainment added. A nice mixture of work and play. :)

    1. It all seems to be going well at the moment. That's what I'm aiming for - a mixture of work and play every day, but I need to come up with some more ideas to keep it up!


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