
I ended up having a quiet day yesterday thanks to the cold and it'll be pretty  much the same today. I have a list of phone calls to make on behalf of the band which have to be done today but that's the only 'must do' and anything else can wait.

The rest of my time will be pamper time! Back tomorrow, when hopefully I'll be feeling better as it's our first band session after the summer break.


  1. I'll be sending more good healing thoughts. Rest & fluids are the best solutions to colds. Happy healthy weekend.

    1. As colds go, this one's not too bad. I'll soon be over it.

  2. Beth has got a cold too - it's a miserable thing to have at any time of the year. Have a lovely time at band tomorrow. xx

    1. Oh, I hope she feels better soon. Band will be fun but busy, and I'm keen to get started again.

  3. Do make the most Pamper Time! Your body needs all the rest it can get, to continue the fight, against these germs!!!

    Nothing else is as important as your health. Without it, what else can/will be done?

    And thank you again, for your additions, to my posted List of Autumn Joys! Love seeing all the commented additions, which others thought of. More, more, more Joy!


    1. I'm usually pretty lucky with colds and recover quickly. I'm good at making pamper time for myself.

  4. Hope you feel better by tomorrow. Enjoy your pampering time. Those roses just keep getting better, day by day!

    1. It's 8:43pm and I am feeling a lot better thanks. I had a long soak in the bath in a very steamy bathroom and that helped relieve my breathing, so I will have an early night in readiness for band rehearsal tomorrow.


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