Me on Monday


All being well, we should be off for an early morning swim soon. The place opens at 7 am, and we're aiming to be there as close to opening time as we can. We'll stay for 30 - 45 minutes and I plan to use that time to gain more confidence floating on my front and back, and also build some stamina by swimming as many lengths as I can in the time left. On the way home we'll do a bit of a detour so I can take my monthly photo for the blog.

There's no other plans for the rest of the morning, so I will use the time to finish up a couple of tasks on my list ... move the four pots of bulbs from behind the garage to join the rest of the bulb pots outside the kitchen door, and then continue sorting out things for the charity shop. When I say "move the pots", obviously I will have the supervisory role, and my friend will provide the labour!

It's the book group meeting this afternoon, and I haven't finished reading the book. I just misjudged how long it would take to read it but I also haven't really enjoyed the chapters I have read ... nothing wrong with the writing, I just wasn't in the right mood for an historical novel. I'll put it to one side for now and try again in a month or so.

I think we'll finish the day watching some more episodes of Homeland. We're on series 3 (out of 8, with 12 episodes in each series) and are loving it!


  1. You're doing well with your swimming. Enjoy the rest of your day xx

    1. I'm enjoying the swimming and it's a pleasant way of getting more exercise. Hope you have a lovely day too xx

  2. It sounds like you have had a really lovely day. xx

  3. Hope the swimming went well! Glad you are enjoying Homeland.

    1. It's a small private pool and it was a bit too crowded for a comfortable swim but we did our best. Homeland is much better than I wad expecting. xx


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