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The snow has disappeared thanks to the overnight rain. It's the first day back to my usual Monday routine following the recent holidays and this morning is set aside for various errands, not that I've left anything to the last minute you understand. The most important is to deliver two family birthday cards; it's my nephew A's birthday tomorrow and the post is too dodgy (and too expensive) to be sure that it'll get there tomorrow. The other is for my great nephew, T, whose birthday isn't until the 20th but he goes back to uni on the 19th,so I'll deliver it today to be sure he gets it. 

I also want to visit one of the supermarkets to stock up on fresh fruit and veg. I'm planning to resume eating a selection of 30 different plant based foods every week. I have done this before but let it slip even though I was doing really well at the time - this is part of my eating healthily/losing weight plan, so no excuses this time.

And finally, I want to take a photograph of the avenue of trees in the park. I'm hopeful that this will make a good photo for my 2025 Monthly Photo challenge, where I post the same view every month to monitor the changes to the scene as the seasons change.

This afternoon, it's the u3a Canasta group and I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone again. I'll have to be good and resist the half-time biscuits though!

Tonight, we may try one of the local SATB choirs. We're still discussing which choir to join and the plan is to try them all before we commit. It's the Trowbridge one tonight, and there are also suitable choirs in Warminster, Frome, Melksham, and Westbury. We're not worried about the distance from home, it's more to do with the choir's repertoire, membership costs, and rehearsal night. 


  1. Actually, when you think how wide the definition of plant based food is, it's really not as hard as it sounds. I must look more closely as my own meals through the week, just to see how close I am getting.
    If you go, enjoy the choir. xx

    1. I've managed 21 different plant foods in 2 days, so it's not as hard as it sounds. I'd have thought you'd be close to that target yourself.

      We didn't make it to the choir this week ... both too tired! xx

  2. I did the 30 a week for a few weeks but found it difficult to get the variety in, because I tend to eat the same vegetables and fruits each day. I might give it another try, though.

    1. I've found it quite easy this time, but I probably each a wider variety than you. It is worth another try if you feel up to it. xx

  3. No rain here, still plenty snow. Work has called a snow day (which I have to admit to I am relieved about) not keen on driving in the snow and the village has had a fair load over the last 24 hours.
    Think I will have a tot up of the veg we eat, we eat a plant based diet but never actually added up what we eat - you've got me curious now :)

    1. I'd rather have rain than snow! No, I don't like driving in the snow at all, but thankfully we get very little in the area and being retired, I can choose to stay home in the warm!

      If you already eat a plant based diet I think you will easily reach the 30 per week. xx

  4. Good luck with the choirs. I hope you find somewhere wonderful who will be lucky to get you.

    1. Thanks Lyssa, that's a really kind thing to say. We were too tired to try out the choir this week but we haven't given up on the idea. xx


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