Monday 13th January

taken last week, the boat yard at Staverton Marina

Where did last week go? It's Monday again in what seems like the blink of an eye and I don't feel ready to face the week!

At least it's a social day today with a book group meeting this afternoon. I haven't read the book as I haven't been able to go for a while so didn't know the title, but it will be good to see all the other members. It's an unusual group as book groups go as we very rarely discuss the book, or on the odd occasion that we do chat about the books, it's only a very brief discussion. I do miss the previous book group I went to (the one I used to organise) where we always had a lively discussion about the book ... the complete opposite of the current group.

This morning I have to go to the bank first thing. My solicitors are still requesting proof of my finances to satisfy themselves that I have the amount I need to purchase the bungalow and also that I am not guilty of money laundering. I originally submitted my financial information in October and they are only now checking it. I have already submitted exactly what they have asked for, but according to the solicitor they need more proof, so I now have to ask my bank for a letter and paper statement to confirm what I have told the solicitors. This is despite already sending copies of statements to show the details they want to see! I'm getting fed up with them!

While we're out I'm hoping to be able to take a few photos to use in my blog posts this week, and maybe we'll go for hot chocolate (and cake) while we're out ... just to keep warm of course!


  1. It is such a palaver nowadays, isn't it? Solicitors slow things down so unnecessarily - they did when we sold Mum and Dad's house and that should have been such a straightforward thing. Good lick with getting everything they think they need this time. Hot chocolate and cake sounds a Very Good Idea Indeed! xx

  2. Solicitors have their own pace and rhythm. I was close to murder when we bought our house. To be fair to them, they have to be really carefully about money laundering. I remember sitting through a seminar when I was a legal secretary and the penalties of letting money laundering slip are quite tough for solicitors. Of course, if they paid attention to what was in the file in the first place, you wouldn't need this run around. Good luck!


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