Bye-bye Music Books & TV Catch Up

for the first time, the autumn flowering camellia has continued to flower in the new year

The good news is that Kate was able to get my laptop working again. The not so good news is that it was a serious error that will possibly keep happening and it's time to look at buying a replacement. If it does happen again I can probably manage without a laptop for a while and use my tablet instead. However, I have to be able to update the u3a website and that's not easy using the tablet so I can see some laptop shopping in the near future! Hopefully it will keep going until after the move and then I can have another look at the finances.

I've made the decision to get rid of the majority of my music books. I've come to the decision a bit late in the day as I've already boxed quite a lot, but I don't need or want the majority of them and haven't looked at them at all since I retired from teaching. So the plan is to take them over to the Oxfam shop in Frome some time next week when my friend is here to help do all the lifting! Oxfam has some specialist music stores so I know the books will be sent on to one of those, and not just disposed of. If you're wondering why I'm not selling them it's because it's not worth it to me ... too much effort for too little return. I bought the majority of them as bulk lots only paying about £1 for 15 or so books each time. I've certainly had good use of them when I was teaching so I've definitely had my money's worth and I'm happy for the charity to benefit from any sales they may get.

So today is dedicated to finding as many of the books as I can. That's not quite as bad as it sounds as it's only the ones that were in the study that I need to sort out. The ones that were in the music room will be staying anyway as that's the music for piano, tenor horn and flute, i.e. the three instruments I'll continue to play. I'm going to let all the music reference books go as well. I haven't used them for absolutely ages and there's always Google if I do need to look something up.

Apart from that it'll be a day for reading (which is going well 😃), a walk (indoors if it's too cold out or it's icy), and maybe watch some TV. I want to finish watching the Royal Institute Christmas lectures and I've missed all of the Christmas 'Only Connect' shows ... sound like a plan!


  1. The charities round us are struggling as people aren't donating as much due to financial strain. I'm sure that they will really appreciate your books. Arilx

    1. I hope so. Oxfam are still pretty good at accepting donations but some of the others are saying they have too much in stock and won't take anymore for a while xx

  2. One can imagine the pleasure another music student/musician will gain from finding your books in a charity shop. Passing them on is a good thing indeed and Oxfam will gain some necessary funds. All good!

    1. I'm hoping others will buy them and get as many hours of pleasure from them as I did and, as you say, the charity benefits as well. xx

  3. That's very good of you to donate your music books, especially as you are not using them. Fewer items to pack up and take to your new home, as well, and Oxfam and whoever buys the books will benefit. :)

    1. I feel it's the right decision for me with the added bonus that others will benefit from my donation as well. xx

  4. I always enjoy the RI Christmas Lectures and this year was particularly relevant for me. xx

    1. They were excellent this year weren't they, especially the last one. I thought of you when I was watching it. xx

  5. Something I learned from my husband who's come across this at work. If you're buying a reconditioned laptop from Amazon, make sure that it's supplied by Amazon as that way you have all their guarantees, and their guarantees are pretty good. Tesco eBay outlet has been kind to me in the past, and while they don't have laptops at time of typing, it may be worth checking when you have a chance.

    And thank you for putting the music in the charity shops. Finds from there were a massive help when bear was learning.

    1. Thanks Lyssa, this is really helpful. xx

    2. I meant to say that some reconditioned laptops on Amazon are sold by third parties and their guarantees are pale imitations of Amazon's own. I'm sure that you'll make the best decisions.


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