Me On Monday

Me on Monday is taking it easy ... again!

I planted the four plug plants on Sunday afternoon. My eyes weren't painful when I was actually doing the planting but I decided not to push my luck and left it at that - the rest are much bigger plants and, as Maggie said, will be okay in their existing pots for a while and I should be able to get a friend to help later in the week. By the evening, I'd changed my mind and went back out to deal with the other three plants ... it seemed to go well, no pain at all, so I thought I'd make a start on the bulbs but when I went back indoors, just to double check my planting plan, I caught my reflection in the mirror and saw that my right eye was bloodshot ... definitely time to stop! So, a bit of a mixed outcome as I'm relieved to be in the position where there's nothing waiting to be planted, but the bloodshot eye is a cause for concern.

Towards the end of last week I made the decision to sell the remainder of the decluttered items at auction ... I'm so ready for it all to be finished . I could sell things locally but don't feel completely as ease with people coming to the house so I keep putting it off. Another option is to use eBay, which I have done for a few things, but I suppose I'm looking for the easy option, so auction house it is. I need to photograph everything and email them for valuation before taking it all over. That's this week's little project, assuming my eye continues to improve.

It's choir tonight and our new song this week is Sing, the song Gary Barlow and Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote to commemorate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. I've been wanting to sing this since I first heard it back in 2012 so I may be looking forward to the practice much more than I usually do!


  1. It's a good thing you saw your eye when you did and decided to stop planting the bulbs, Eileen. Good idea to take it easy! Hope your eye will be better after resting. Take care.

    1. Thanks, Bless. I'm relieved to get the plants in as some were looking a bit sorry for themselves, but am happy to let the bulbs wait. If I decide to carry on I can ask J and L for help this week, or I meet the potential new gardener next week so she may be able to deal with them for me assuming she is prepared to accept my work.

  2. Thank goodness you stopped and checked. The eye doesn't sound great so fingers crossed.
    Good luck with the auction sale - a bit of extra cash is always useful, either for saving or spending.

    Have a super week. xx

    1. I'll go to get my blood pressure checked later, just in case, but I think it's a repeat of the eye problem to do with bending down.

      I'm hoping the auction house will accept everything for sale so that it's all over and done with ... well, apart from all the photography equipment I haven't decided on yet!

  3. Hope your eye settles down. It is probably a good idea to get your blood pressure checked.
    Hope things work out with the new gardener. I am always late planting bulbs, they are usually okay. Good luck with everything. Take care of yourself.

    1. With the lockdown and everything, my BP hasn't been checked for months so it's long overdue anyway. I don't have any pain in my eye so don't think there's anything to worry about.

      We're probably going to have a gardening 'party' later this week 😁

  4. Ooh a ‘gardening party’ sounds good fun, social distancing will be fine because it’s not as if you have to be on top of each other when digging and planting.
    Are your GPs not doing any face to face consultations.

    1. GPs are doing face to face consulting but I don't know if this merits one. The eye problems come under the opticians and the hospital consultant and I see the optician next week.

  5. I think the auction is probably a good way to be rid of the stuff - it will feel so good to be finally done with dealing or thinking about it all. I do hope your eye has improved & without pain.

    1. It's not painful, just that odd sensation you get with bloodshot eyes.

      I just have to summon the enthusiasm to get it all photographed before I can contact the auction house!

  6. I hope resting soothed your eye and that the auction process works well for you.

    1. Thank you. My eye is improving slowly but is doing okay. I used this auction house before and had good results last time.

  7. Glad you got the most pressing things done, and with hopefully no lasting ill effects. I have everything crossed that the new gardener is someone you hit it off with, and who turns out to be reliable. What a shame about Danielle as it started off so well.

    1. It is a shame but I couldn't see things improving at all, so best to call it quits now. The new gardener has good reviews so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

      I'm potting up some of the bulbs tomorrow 😁

  8. Sounds like you should have stuck with what Maggie suggested! I do hope your eye is ok.

    1. Yes, I should have listened 😔
      My eye is improving every day and there is now hardly any red patches visible. My sight hasn't been affected at all either, and I have a full eye examination next week.


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