
Okay, guess who has a new gardener?

She lives locally, has a great sense of humour and will be a real asset. I have absolutely no reason to think she'll be unreliable and that would be the only reason to start looking for someone else, so ... we've agreed that she'll put in as much time as she can to get the garden up to scratch before the winter and then it'll be fortnightly maintenance visits. I'm not sure whether she has any formal gardening training but what she does have is a whole lifetime of knowledge and experience, and she's a hard worker - she stayed for two hours and has made a good start on sorting out little problem areas in the garden. I'll do a garden update post one day next week.

After the excitement of yesterday, today will be another quiet day. I'll be speaking to friends at some stage but the rest of the time it's up to me to keep myself amused, so a bit of reading, maybe a film, a few naps, and some sort of musical activity ... I feel the need to play something today.


  1. Yay! You have a new gardener! I do hope that she will work out well. Looking forward to seeing your garden taking shape over the next few weeks.

    Sounds like a nice, relaxed day in the plans. Some reading and naps and music sounds good to me. Have a lovely day, Eileen.

    1. I'm so relieved that we got on and she's started working for me. I took some photos of the garden today.

      I've been playing my flute today, trying out some new music and it's been good fun.

  2. Congratulations 😊
    Good gardeners are hard to come by. I don't think our gardener has formal horticultural training but he loves the work and has a lifetime of experience and so I can just leave him to get on with it and he's very reliable too!
    My new garden will hopefully be so small that I won't need a weekly gardener maybe just some help now and again.
    Well done, I bet you're very relieved. Have a good day.

    1. Thanks Lynn, yes I am relieved. Training or not, she definitely knows her stuff and I am confident she can help me achieve the look and feel I want in the garden.

  3. That's great news and must be a huge relief for you, having started the work and needing help to finish it. I'm pleased for you. xx

    1. It is a huge relief, Joy, especially as the fruit trees are due next month.

  4. Well that’s one thing you can tick off your list.
    Quiet days are good - good for the body mind and spirit.

    1. I feel I'm back on track now. I can stop fretting about the garden and feel relaxed after a lovely quiet day.

  5. Pleased to hear that you have a new gardener - and a woman too! Enjoy quiet days, reading is always enjoyable, in fact, nothing I prefer to do.

    1. Thanks Carole. Yes, a female gardener but I am hoping this one is more reliable than the previous one.

      I've mostly spent my time playing the flute today ... I enjoyed it, but don't know if the neighbours did!

  6. Congratulations on the gardener success!


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