Wednesday 25th May

145/365: this year's first bud on the red rose 

The nutrition club has been postponed so I only have to focus on my piano lesson this morning. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it goes well as bits of the set practice were quite tricky and those bits still aren't flowing very well!

This afternoon I'm off to the cinema with L to see Everything Everywhere All At Once. It seems to be a mix of genres and is described as a dark comedy, action, fantasy, LBGT, adventure drama. To be honest, I wouldn't have bothered with it myself, but L wants to see it so I'm happy to go with her. 

I saw my sister for a flying visit yesterday when she dropped off some more books. I've been really good this time, sorting through to decide which one I'll read and putting the others aside for friends to have. I've kept twelve books so, using the one in-one out method, have removed twelve books from the bookcase to make room and have added those to the pile for friends. If friends don't want them I'll donate them to the library.

I've received notification that three of the four hanging baskets are on their way so they should arrive by the weekend. I'm keen to see how they'll look once they're in place. I know it's going to look a bit gappy as the climbers still have a fair bit of growing to do but the hanging baskets will add to the overall effect and should look good. Once they arrive there is one more hanging basket and a guara still to be delivered plus the fuchsia and lofos still to be planted. 

I'll finish off the day in front of the TV watching the Repair Shop and the Great British Sewing Bee. All things considered, it should be a good day.


  1. I forgot about the Repair Shop, thanks for the reminder. Wednesday even viewing is very good at the moment, isn't it?

    1. Yes, it's the best evening of the week for TV at the moment. xx

  2. Sounds like a very good day planned and I hope the piano lesson will go smoothly. Enjoy the movie!

    1. Thanks Bless. I'd keep my fingers crossed but that won't help improve my playing at all!!

  3. Enjoy the cinema, we have just started going again, I do like an afternoon film.

    1. Thanks. We're only going to the afternoon screenings for now as they tend to attract fewer people. It's great to be getting out and doing normal things again though.

  4. Hope the piano lesson goes well. I can't remember the last time I went to see a film. I don't like distractions and it all seems to be about selling food and such at cinemas here.

    1. The lesson did go well thanks. I enjoy the cinema experience, though always take my own treats rather than pay the extortionate prices the cinema charges!

  5. Beautiful rose photo. Hopefully these hanging baskets will be so lush & beautiful that M will re-think her dislike of said baskets (col).

    1. Thanks Mary-Lou. I'm hoping the baskets do well this year. M will like the colours and plants but thinks the baskets aren't worth the effort.

  6. I love seeing your photos of the flowers. As an amateur gardener, I suppose it may be gappy now, but it will be beautiful when it fills out.

    1. Thanks Lyssa. I don't have much idea about gardening and the success of the growth and health of the plants is all down to M. I just come up with the ideas! I'll do the next update in a couple of weeks when it has filled put a bit more.


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