Monday 30th May

150/365: (almost in focus!) a buzzy bee

I've had a quiet weekend, just pottering about at home. I spent some more time looking for planting ideas and did quite a bit more on the family tree. I also decided on the spur of the moment to arrange a supermarket delivery and was lucky enough to get a slot for yesterday morning so I now have plenty of meal choices and the ingredients for some of the batch cooking.

I made a start on the batch cooking yesterday and there are now portions of shepherds pie and fish pie in the freezer. Today I'm doing a chicken soup in the slow cooker and a turkey bolognese on the hob - it's the recipe they used on Eat Well For Less last week which looked good so I thought I'd give it a try. I'll carry on doing a couple of recipes every day until I feel I have enough choice, but I will need to go shopping again for the rest of the ingredients if I want to do that.

In addition to the batch cooking I plan to address some of the issues on my list of things I'm tolerating. The list is longer than I'd like so I plan to chip away at it and get at least seven things ticked off the list this week. Today's task is sorting out shoes storage. I bought the wall mounted hooks ages ago but haven't got round to installing the ones that are going in the under stairs cupboard so my shoes are currently in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. They irritate me every time I see them so it will be wonderful to tick this one off the list.

My BiL is coming round later on and will take the last three pots away. These are all too big for the patio really so I've offered them to my sister as she will be able to make better use of them than me. Then, time and weather permitting, I'll have a wander round the nearest garden centre to see what plants they have in stock. I won't be buying, just looking!


  1. Do you seriously expect us to believe you won't be buying? ;-)

    1. Haha. I didn't buy anything so kept to my word! 😂

  2. Enjoy your look round the garden centre today and I hope you can resist the temptation to buy more plants. I bought storage benches for shoes for under the stairs then I have shoes under my bed and I don't know why I need so many shoes i really don't! Fingers crossed you make at least seven ticks on your list this week.

    1. I did resist the temptation. I can do it when I try! I decided I have too many shoes so had a bit of a cull today. I tend to wear the same two or three pairs and no longer wear heels so it was an easy decision to get rid of the ones I can't or won't wear.

  3. That's famous last words ' Just looking'

    1. I was very good and didn't buy anything! 😂

  4. "I won't be buying just looking", now that is a fun statement (lol). I've been chipping away at a few tolerances & were so easy to fix I don't know why I tolerated for so long. I was quite excited to spot in my own garden many little Cosmos seedings coming up & I said, "oh wouldn't Eileen be happy for me" I only need to go to the garden centre for Morning Glories, my started at home ones were savaged by a nasty pesky black squirrel. I'll say no more because it would be rude!!

    1. I meant what I said and didn't buy anything! I feel the same about the tolerances. The ones I'm working on this week are so simple to sort out so why didn't I get on and do them before?

      Oh, cosmos. I am very happy for you. Some of mine are getting ready to flower already. Thankfully I don't have a squirrel problem here.

  5. Hi Eileen,
    Glad you are achieving your goals.
    I hope that this week also goes as you wish and in a very pleasant way.
    Pretty flower and buzy bee.

    1. Thanks Ailime. The week has started well so hopefully if will continue in the same way.

  6. I didn't realise that Eat Well for Less was back. Thank you for reminding me!

    1. I think you've only missed the first programme so far but it's available on iPlayer.

  7. Well done on only looking and not buying any new plants!
    You are doing well with the batch cooking, too. I looked up Eat Well for Less and they have some of the episodes on YouTube; I watched one and enjoyed it! They are probably old episodes, but, I will be watching a few more. :)
    Speaking of tolerances, I looked around my garage, today, and realized I never finished it! Need to make an effort to go back in there, next month.

    1. Thanks Bless. I can be disciplined when I need to be.

      The Eat Well for Less programmes are interesting though it's always a shock to see how much all the families are spending on food. They have some good recipe ideas as well.

      I've taken a break from my garage for a few weeks as well. Good luck when you do decide to carry on with yours.


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