
The decorating is continuing. Today he's started on the internal doors and is doing the panels on every door so I'm having to stay out of the way as every room is affected. Still, it's a pretty good excuse to sit and read and do very little else!

The high point of yesterday was that the list for the Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt was announced. The hunt is organised by Mary-Lou and will run between 1st May 2019 and 30th September 2019 and everyone is welcome to join in (especially if they've just bought a new camera and is considering developing their photography skills!!). Here's the list, but please pop over to Mary-Lou's blog to let her know that you are joining in ... the more, the merrier.

2019 Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt 
(May 1st 2019 -September 30th 2019)
1. An Outdoor Clock
2. Single & Pretty
3. Repetition
4. Blurred Vision
5. The Word Summer
6. An Umbrella, open or closed
7. A Curving Path
8. Shells
9. A Bridge
10. Something Made of Stone
11. Fish
12. Something Crooked
13. Two Colours of The Rainbow in Any Combination (colours of the rainbow are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
14. A Handwritten Sign
15. A Broken Chair/Bench/Stool
16. An Out of Season Treat Being Enjoyed
17. A Sail
18. Something That Should Be Found In Pairs 
19. A Funny or Meaningful Bumper Sticker
20. A Favourite Seasonal Scent

A:  Bird or Bee House
B:  Fresh Local Produce


  1. Eileen thanks for the recommendation for SPSH. I like this dandelion photo. Sounds like a relaxing day of sorts, hopefully the paint smells aren't too bad & you can have the windows open.

    1. I have no sense of smell so that's not bothering me. The windows are open as it's gloss paint so even though I can't smell it, there is always the possibility that the paint will trigger a migraine.

  2. Was that a hint, Eileen? :-)
    I like your outdoor clock!

    1. Yes, it is!😊😊

      See, you already have ideas about the prompts with the outside clock, although I have to take another one tomorrow as this one was photographed before the start date. I have plenty to choose from so it's not a problem!

  3. Ooh! The summer photo scavenger hunt! Those prompts are hard, though! And I am completely missing the connection between a dandelion and an outdoor clock!

    1. Maybe it’s an English thing ... children blow the seeds off the dandelion counting the time on each blow, so if it takes five blows to dislodge all the seeds then it’s 5 o’clock!

    2. I’ll probably look for a sundial or a church clock for the outdoor clock.

    3. Ah! Thank you for explaining that! :)


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