Monthly Photo Challenge: Beginning with 'M'

The theme for March was 'Beginning with M'. Here's my selection ...

marmite ... do you love it or hate it?

music stand


an old copy of Handel's Messiah

a very old (and out of focus, sorry) mouthpiece for a brass instrument

a recipe for macaroons 

maple syrup


a Moeck recorder

mutes for brass instruments


multigrain biscuits

measuring spoons

menu cards

a map showing Merthyr Tydfil

a game of Monopoly

the deed card for Marylebone Station showing the mortgage value



musical instruments


motorbike and motorbike rider

military uniform

The challenge is to take photos on the set theme; the photos must be taken during the month (no archive photos), a minimum of five photos but there's no upper limit, and there will be a new theme every month. The theme for April is 'Spring'.  I'll post a linky at the end of the month. Have fun! 

Thanks to everyone who has taken part in the March challenge. Here's the linky ... please link to your challenge post, not just to your blog.


  1. Lovely selection, as always, love the motorbike rider puffing out his chest for the photo!

  2. Love your photo's - so many 'M's I wouldn't have thought of

    1. Thanks, Sue. I actually took a lot more but only chose to load these. M was a very easy letter to find suitable photos for. xx

  3. A good selection and I too love your motorbike and rider photo :-) Would you believe I've never tried Marmite I just don't fancy it xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. That's neighbour S posing for the photo! I'm shocked that you've never had marmite. Didn't your parents like it either? xx

  4. Wonderful photos! I especially liked the one of the mushroom!

    1. Thanks, Bless. It's now an ex-mushroom but it was very tasty!

  5. What a fab collection of photos. I am a lover of Marmite despite not trying it until I was 35 years old. The Messiah one of my favourite oritorios, I remember going to see a performance of it when I was about 8, my Mum was in the chorus. I can still remember the words to the different anthems that the chorus sang. But I think my choice would have to be "I know my Redeemer Liveth" Helen S.

    1. Thanks, Helen. I'm intrigued as to why you waited so long to try marmite. Didn't you have it at home when you were growing up? I love The Messiah, both listening to it and singing it. I do like 'I Know That My Redeemer Liveth' but it's always the 'Hallelujah Chorus' that gets me, especially when singing it. xx

  6. Wonderful photos! I particularly like the moss. I haven't had marmite in many years. I'm not sure I even remember what it tastes like.

    1. Thanks Celie. I have no idea how to describe the taste of marmite so I googled it ... marmite has a very distinctive flavor. The taste is so unique as to defy description, but think of a yeasty, salty, soy sauce-esque flavor with the consistency of old engine oil ... it sounds so appetising doesn't it? xx

  7. Now I see so many that I missed! Should have thought of Marmite and mustard - they are in and out of the cupboard often enough! I am presumably in the smallest minority of all - those who LIKE Marmite; I could live without it and do not take it away with me when I go abroad, but I enjoy it when I have it. (I DON'T like Twiglets!) Funnily enough Uncle David's love of Marmite was mentioned in his eulogy and there were even Marmite sandwiches at the wake :o)

    Love your moss, motorbike(r) (I looked but didn't find) ... and aren't those mandolins amongst the instruments?

  8. You are so good with the camera, always providing us with lovely variety.


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