The May Garden

It really wasn't the best day for taking photos of the garden and as a result they are all over-exposed, so apologies for that. 

The first photo shows the view from the living room. I still have to move the blue pots out of the way. They'll go behind the garage for a while to allow the bulbs to die back and then they will be stored in the garage until they are brought out again in October. None of the other pots are where I want them for the summer garden so I need to borrow the sack truck from S and play a game of musical pots. Most of them are still empty so I need to make some decisions about planting over the next couple of weeks. I have ordered some plants for them but more are still needed.

After discussions with M I am thinking about filling the remainder of the pots with perennials and filling the wooden planters with a couple of climbers and a variety of annuals. That's not set in stone though and I won't make my final decision until the pergola is finished. 

The centre bed needs some more planting to replace the ones that didn't make it through the winter. A couple are in the order I am expecting next week but I will still need to choose some more. The new salvia has been planted here, there is a replacement penstemon on order and M is picking up a lavatera Barnsley Babe for me. The two gauras have survived and are showing new growth but I'm not sure what else I'd like in this bed.

The jasmine is doing well and now needs to be encouraged to grow along the trellis. It has tiny red flowers and is really pretty. The new rose has been planted in the corner to replace the vine that didn't make it through the winter. It's a pink one to brighten up that part of the garden. There is a hanging basket planted up for that bracket but I moved it yesterday as it was getting frazzled in the sun. I thought it was kinder to let the fuchsias establish themselves in the basket first to give it half a chance. The other baskets seem to be doing okay.

Looking back towards the house, the area by the wall trellis also needs to be sorted out but I haven't really given it much thought. This year's big expense is the cost of the pergola so I doubt that I'll be able to sort out this area as well. I'd like to be able to sit here but it's in full sun all afternoon so some shade is needed and I haven't decided how to achieve that yet. I'd also like to look at getting some more comfortable seating for this area ... the table and chairs are still in the garage for now but I am thinking about selling them. They are cast aluminium, so very lightweight which makes moving them very easy but also mean that they get blown around when there are strong winds ... including being blown into the glass doors, hence the need for a change to something more suitable.

I'll finish off with a selection of the plants that are currently in flower ...


the Eden rose



white rose

clematis Doctor Ruppel


  1. Your garden is going to look wonderful especially when your pergola is built. I do like the plans you make, it's all very exciting xx

    1. It looks like the pergola will be built this weekend ... well the main structure will be. The trellis will be added once I decide what I want. This means I will be able to start filling the wooden planters at long last xx

  2. Over exposed or not, it all looks beautiful and with great promise for the summer too. Enjoy the flower buying! xx

    1. I'm loving the flower buying. I'm trying out some new-to-me plants this year so it's be fun to watch them growing. xx

  3. Your garden is looking really nice, even if all the plants aren't in place, yet. That clematis is really eye-catching, isn't it? Did your pomegranate plant survive?

    1. I'm really pleased with the new clematis, it's looking great. No, sadly the pomegranate didn't survive the winter. I've decided not the replace it as I don't have anywhere to over-winter it so the same thing will happen again. xx

  4. Your Campanula is lovely as is your white rose. I have a white rose and blue moon rose in my garden journal, which is partly a wants list. But a lot of the wants will have to remain as hubby is putting up a new fence this week. Wish us luck. Helen S.

    1. I've just googled the blue moon rose ... very pretty and can see how it's earned a place on your 'wants' list. Hope the fence building is going well. xx

  5. Beautiful garden - a canvas of many possibilities. I really like the new clematis Doctor Ruppel. I wonder if a retractable awning would work in the area between the two doors, with a pair of comfortable patio chairs, that way you could have a shaded nook for sitting in the garden, to read to enjoy a bevy or two & when it gets too windy, just wind in the awning out of wind's harmful ways :)

    1. I did consider a retractable awning but the cost is prohibitive. It doesn't show too well on any of these photos but the house is angled and that really ramps the price up. xx

  6. Your garden is already looking lovely, and once your planting is ready for summer it will be wonderful!

    1. Thanks Celie. I'm excited about the new plants I've ordered ... trying some new ones this year. xx

  7. No worries on the overexposed photos; they just reinforce how new and fresh much of that greenery is.

    1. Thanks Susanne. All the rain we had through March and April has really helped the garden thrive and encouraged plenty of greenery. xx

  8. It's looking wonderful! I really like the alliums.

    1. Thanks Sharon. I like the alliums as well. I want to plant some different varieties around the garden ready for next year's display. xx


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