All About ... the Year in Review - 2021

What did you do in 2021 that you've never done before? I started piano lessons, though strictly speaking it isn't something completely new as I had some lessons years ago. I also took part in a healthy eating/weight loss programme and completely reviewed my eating habits.

Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?  I don't set the traditional resolutions, preferring to set myself challenges and specific goals. I'm pleased with my progress on most of the goals I set myself during 2021. The biggest has to be the progress I've made on the decluttering; I didn't manage to complete it by my target date but I've made huge leaps forward and been able to dispose of items belonging to my late partner that were of no interest to me but which I had been unable to let go in previous attempts. Yes, I will continue to set myself challenges and goals in 2022.

Did anyone close to you give birth? Not someone really close, but J's daughter gave birth to her first child, a beautiful boy.

Did anyone close to you die? No thankfully.  

What countries did you visit? None! I've spent the majority of the year in the safety of my own home. The longest journey this year was the twelve miles to Bath to get my booster jab.

What would you like to have in 2022 that you lacked in 2021? I'm repeating last year's response ... I usually answer this question by saying that I haven't lacked anything during the year but this time it's different. I'd love to be able to hug the people I care about, cuddle the babies, and just have the freedom to go wherever I want to without worrying about the risks to life.

What date from 2021 will remain etched in your memory and why? November 26th when I reached the ripe old age of 66 and became eligible to receive my state pension payments and apply for a bus pass! 

What was your biggest achievement of the year? I think it has to be the same answer as last year, which is coping with all the fears and uncertainties of the pandemic and not sinking into deep depression. I know that compared to many people I've been lucky with a safe home and, being retired, had no worries about income or job security, but living alone has brought its own set of issues and isolation has been challenging at times.

What was your biggest failure? I don't know! I suppose it could be that I didn't complete the decluttering but I'm actually pleased with what I did achieve so don't consider it a failure. 

Did you suffer illness or injury? I was diagnosed as being pre-diabetic and having high cholesterol but have been able to reverse both conditions through changing my diet.

What was the best thing you bought?  I've racked my brain and can't think of anything. I suppose I can say it's the expert services I've paid for, i.e. M's with the gardening and C's with the piano lessons. 

Where did most of your money go? On the garden and piano lessons. It hasn't been a big year for expenditure.

What did you get really, really, really excited about? I think that has to be the piano lessons. 

Compared to this time last year are you:
  • Happier or sadder? slightly happier
  • Thinner or fatter? slightly thinner
  • Richer or poorer? slightly richer 

What do you wish you’d done more of? I've missed to freedom to travel and also wish I'd been able to spend more time with family and friends.

What do you wish you’d done less of? I wish I'd spent less time worrying, but I am a worrier and the pandemic has given me cause to worry.  

How did you spend Christmas? I'd planned to spend Christmas Day with friends but ended up spending the day at home alone and meeting with them via Zoom instead, thanks to their positive Covid tests.

Did you fall in love in 2021? No.

What was your favourite TV show? I don't have a particular favourite but enjoy watching QI, Would I Lie To You, Richard Osman's House of Games, Only Connect, and Tipping Point .. the same list as last year. 

What was the best book you read? The Never Game by Jeffrey Deaver and The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

What was your greatest musical discovery of 2021? Loreena McKennitt, recommended by Mary-Lou @ Patio Postcards.

What did you want and get? I wanted to stay Covid free and thankfully, I was successful in avoiding the virus. 

What did you want and not get? I'd planned some mini adventures but didn't get round to doing most of them. This was partly to do with the local Covid numbers being do high (where previously they had been well below the national average) but also a lack of get up and go on my part ... I'm too used to staying at home so kept choosing the easier option of doing nothing!

What was your favourite film this year?  I haven't watched that many films this year and didn't keep a record of all the ones I did watch. I know I watched the Harry Potter films (again!) and also Last Christmas which I enjoyed despite knowing the twist to the story.

What did you do on your birthday? I had lunch with friends and was able to see some of my family

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? An end to the pandemic!

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2021? Usually I answer this question by saying that my personal fashion concept is non existent, but I've lost some weight and have been reviewing all my clothes after completing a style coaching course. I've reached the stage where I need to replace a huge part of my wardrobe in a smaller size and am currently looking for smart casual clothes. I feel comfortable wearing the natural or classic styles, so that's what I'm looking for in the replacement items. 

What kept you sane? Again, it's the same answer as last year ... by avoiding the negativity in the media and focusing instead on what I could do, plus the ongoing support of friends and family.

What political issue stirred you the most? The pandemic, and the dishonesty and appalling behaviour of the current government.

Who did you miss? It will always be Ced.  

Who was the best new person you met? I haven't met a new person face to face this year, but I do have new interactions with people through blogging so I will count all of my blogging friends as the best this year. 

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2021. To slow down, appreciate the little things, and value the people who share life with me.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. I know this is getting repetitive but I'm going for the same song as last year ... "
If life seems jolly rotten, there's something you've forgotten and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing" - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life!


  1. I'm reading your list and thinking "tick, tick, tick..." as so many of your answers resonate (esp the weight loss thing) How did you diet? We've been on Michael Mosleys Blood Sugar Diet. Very successful, altho we lapsed a little over the Christmas period. Agree on the decluttering, pandemic and politicians. And enjoying OAP status and bus pass too. I've found new friends as we moved in retirement, and also discovered new blogs to enjoy (like yours) Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year to you too.

      I'm following a healthy eating plan devised by the nutritionist at Goldster (the organisation who provide the online classes I attend). In brief, it involved resetting our body by excluding wheat, dairy, caffeine, sugar, alcohol and white potatoes for 10 days. This list includes the more common allergy trigger foods and causes of inflammation in the body. After 10 days we were allowed to reintroduce wheat to see how our body reacted and from there to continue to reintroduce, or not, everything else on the list. I haven't reintroduced everything yet but have managed to balance my blood sugars and the weight loss is happening without the need to cut down too much on portion size etc.

  2. I've enjoyed reading your review Eileen. I can't remember how I discovered your blog this year but I'm very glad I did. To my namesake I wish you a very Happy New Year and wish you continued good health and happiness xx

    1. Thanks Eileen, and a Happy New Year to you too. I can't remember how I found your blog either but it must have been via another blog we both follow. I was probably attracted by the name! 😀 xx

  3. What a super review - thanks.

  4. A very positive review of 2021. It certainly has had its challenges & I am most hopeful that 2022 arrives quietly, sits down & plays nicely with others. I appreciate you taking on a lot of your discovery journeys this year, I certainly benefited from the wardrobe tidbits. Glad you are enjoying Loreena's music.

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year Eileen! See you next year (lol).

    1. Thanks Mary-Lou. It has been another challenging year but I'm hopeful that at least by the end of 2022 we will have moved to whatever the new normal will be.

      I've enjoyed all the online classes and it's lovely to hear that you feel you have benefitted from some of the share information. I'm putting the style class info into practice now, which is trickier than I was expecting but there's no rush and I'll get there!

      Yes, I've been listening to a bit of Loreena this morning.

      Happy New Year to you and Mr Man, and look forward to seeing you next year 😊

  5. Happy New Year, lots to think about.

    1. Thank you, and a Happy New Year to you too x

  6. Lots of parallels here. I finished writing mine today after two big goes at it. You are so much better at putting things succinctly than I am! Anyway, it's nice to see how proactive and fulfilled your year has been, in spite of obvious obstacles. Here's to 2022!

    1. I'm surprised you say that as I always think how much better you are at expressing yourself than I am!

      Looking back over the year, I'm pleased and a little bit surprised at how many changes I have made to get me to where I am now, not all detailed in this post, but I feel in a good position to meet 2022 head on. I hope it's the same for you and I look forward to reading your review. Happy New Year to you and your family xx

  7. Love your responses. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Sharon, and a Happy New Year to you too xx

  8. I've enjoyed reading your year end review! All the changes you made over the year have really come together and have made a big impact, I feel. You lived your life to the best of your abilities given all the constraints, I think. Happy New Year, Eileen and all the best to you in 2022. :)

    1. Thanks Bless, I'm glad you enjoyed reading my review of the year. All the changes I've made have definitely improved my life and I will keep going this year. I also reviewed my balanced life goals (not online) and realise which areas I now need to focus on to even things out a bit ... on paper it's a bit of a bumpy ride at the moment!

      I hope 2022 is a good year for you too, Bless x

  9. Nice job on the year in review. You have listed a few things I will need to check out. And I may get busy and do my on year-end wrap-up.

    1. Thanks Susanne. I'm looking forward to reading your own end of the year review. x


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