Tuesday 28th December

Yesterday didn't quite work out as planned as a migraine started as I was eating my breakfast, so online shopping is now set for today or tomorrow. I slept through most of the day and thanks to prescription meds was able to join in with the Zoom quiz ... I couldn't answer many of the news questions but did okay on the other rounds despite feeling a bit groggy. We're 'meeting' again on New Year's Eve for an 'evening of games and quizzes' which should be fun.

This was yesterday's Twelve Days gift. You have to rearrange the blue shapes every day to reveal the month, day, & date, and it's harder than it looks. It's one of those things that I'll attempt every day for a while and then it'll be put away to be forgotten about and rediscovered for some more attempts. I have removed the printed plastic covering from each piece now! 

Today's gift is a big bottle of bubble bath which I'll be using as soon as I soon as I can summon up the energy to get from my bed to the bathroom to enjoy a long soak in the bath and see if I can relax enough to get rid of the last dregs of the migraine. 

It will definitely be a quiet day today as I don't have the energy for anything else. I may do some online clothes shopping but will definitely spend some time playing the piano and will also make a start on the Christmas jigsaw puzzle.


  1. I'm sorry to read you weren't feeling so good yesterday. The soak in the bath sounds good, though, and should make a difference.
    That calendar is intriguing. I don' think I've ever seen one like that before. A bit of a brain ache, I would say!

    Have a lovely, quiet day. xx

    1. I sent you a message but think it might not have reached you. Could you tell me where you purchased the calendar from please? Thank you.

    2. Hi Victoria. I can't remember exactly where I bought the puzzle but it is available from a number of places. Here's a link to a google search - https://www.google.com/search?q=calendar+puzzle+wooden&client=avast-a-2&sxsrf=AOaemvIFhCbvig2C5osNeeXm2gjDIF_oUg:1640692383677&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0oNu1t4b1AhVIasAKHbEtA30Q_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1280&bih=581&dpr=1.5

    3. Thanks Joy. I feel much better after a long soak in the bath and will have a easy day to fully recover.
      The puzzle is just my sort of thing, so challenging enough but solvable and well worth the money for the enjoyment I'll get from it. xx

    4. Thanks very much for the info about the puzzle!

    5. You're welcome. I hope you enjoy it if you do buy one.

  2. Glad to hear that you are over the worst of the migraine, Eileen, and were able to join in the quiz. Hope you have a quiet, restful day, today.

    1. Thanks Bless. I've slept most of the morning again but do feel better now. The quiz last night was fun even though I wasn't feeling 100%, it was still good to talk to friends.

  3. Sorry to read about your migraine and I do hope you feel fully recovered soon. A long soak in the bath sounds just the job. The daily puzzle sounds interesting, i hope you can give it a go every day. Have a good day with plenty of rest.

    1. I'm feeling much better now thanks Eileen. I slept for most of the morning and don't plan to do anything too strenuous for the rest of the day.

      The puzzle is fun, but challenging enough to keep me interested. I managed to complete it today in about 15 minutes.

  4. That does look like a challenging puzzle - such a neat gift find for yourself. Glad to hear that the migraine was mostly controlled early on, maybe those meds can be listed as a bonus gift for the 12 days. Good luck with the online clothes shopping. Is the style course helping make decisions easier?

    1. I love doing puzzles like this so was a very happy bunny when I saw it advertised. It's harder than I thought it would be, but not impossibly hard. The meds work well if I can time them right which was the case this time. I think it knocked me out because I haven't had one for a while.

      The style course has helped and I have a good idea of what I want. The main problem at the moment is that I can't find the colours I want or when I do find the colour, they are out of stock in my size! I'm not giving up though and am bound to find something suitable.

  5. I hope you are feeling much better now. That puzzle looks very difficult for me.

    1. Yes, I'm feeling much better thanks Irune. The puzzle is hard enough to be challenging but not impossible to solve. It's the sort of thing I like doing.

  6. Oh dear, nasty migraine. Glad to hear it seems to be over. I had one on Christmas Eve and spent the day in bed feeling sorry for myself! Fortunately I had already done most of what needed doing so I wasn't unduly stressed, just massively grateful it wasn't Christmas Day. I still felt tender and rather wobbly but able to go, take part and enjoy. Take it easy today!

    1. Yes, feeling much better now thanks. I'm sorry to hear that you were unwell on Christmas Eve. I know what it feels like the day after the migraine so I'm glad you were still about to enjoy Christmas Day and follow through with your plans.

      Yes, Mum. I'm having a quiet day and only doing nice things that don't require a lot of effort!


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