
I wasn't expecting it to be so cold yesterday so it was a bit of a shock to the system when I went outside first thing. 10°C was lowest temperature I recorded and it didn't really warm up during the day ... we're promised 11°C today! Guess who's staying inside in the warm?

I started the blanket but haven't got much done yet so I'll save the photos for when there is more for you to see. I also tried out the Couch to Fitness(C2F), which I liked and think I may have hit on a form of exercise that suits me. It's a rest day in the C2F schedule today so I will either do some line dancing or spend some time on the exercise bike for my daily session.

Today I'm getting the playing cards out and will teach myself a new-to-me Patience card game. I used to play various Patience games on most days but have got out of the habit so will hunt out my book of games and get started again. Using actual cards also means less screen time, which can only be a good thing! 

Other plans include a video call with J, making lentil soup for lunch, some reading, and the usual Italian practice. I have ticket to watch Emilia so that's a possibility for tonight's viewing.


  1. Brr! That sounds cold! Good idea to stay indoors and be warm! Blankets take a few days of knitting or crocheting before they start looking anything like a blanket, don't they? I never realized there were quite so many different Patience games! Over here, it is called Solitaire. I hope you have a lovely day, Eileen. :)

    1. I don't like cold mornings! It's raining now, so I won't be going out today.

      I haven't got the pattern in my head yet so am rather slow at the crocheting but hoping that will change.

      Yes, there are loads of Patience games. Mum used to encourage us to play them when we were little ... I think she just wanted a quiet time to enjoy a cup of tea!

  2. A cozy sounding day for you. It is also rainy but on verge of turning to snow later as the temperatures drop. I have never been a card in hand player but I do play Solitaire/Patience on the computer. C2F sounds very positive.

    1. I have a feeling that C2F will suit me and I will be able to complete the course.

      I play Patience occasionally on the computer but can't find online versions of some of the games and I was looking for ways to reduce screen time as well.

  3. I've seen that Solitaire game played in tv shows and always thought I'd try to learn it. I like regular Solitaire, and this would make a change. Lentil soup yummm!

    1. According to my book there are over 150 different Patience games so I shouldn't ever get bored. The one in the link, 'clocks', was one we used to play a lot as children and I still enjoy it now. I played 'Gaps'today.

  4. We're in that same temperature range, but it has been so rainy that it seems much chillier - even into our bones. I have vowed to find some exercise I can do at home this winter starting right after Thanksgiving. I have put my Pilates Club membership on pause because our Covid numbers are setting terrible records nearly every day and I don't feel comfortable getting out. Good luck with the C2F.

    1. According to the forecast it will be down to 7 degrees C tomorrow but thankfully should be dry.

      Try YouTube for exercise ideas. There plenty of choice for Pilates and yoga.

  5. Looking forward to seeing the progress on the blanket. It's dipped below freezing here on some days - we actually had some snow the other day!

    1. Progress is slow so you may be waiting some time! Snow is pretty to look at but I dread the thought of a deep fall here. I couldn't cope with your winters.


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