
I had the blood tests first thing so once the results have arrived I will get an appointment to see the doctor. The pain and swelling has disappeared but I still want to follow it through and find out exactly what the problem is.

I came home via Bradford on Avon (a rather long detour) but wasn't successful in finding any suitable photos for my monthly photo challenge, so after a bit of a walk around I came back home. As soon as I put my camera away I thought of all the photos I could have taken if I'd just walked across the bridge, the reason I'd chosen this town in the first place, but ... never mind!

I tuned in to the Indian Cookery online class, as much for the tips as for the recipe and cooking demo. Today's recipe was South Indian King Prawn Thokku which I'll try with some fish pieces at the weekend as I don't have any prawns here. It looked lovely, so I'll cook it for my Saturday night treat as an alternative to having a takeaway.

I had a look around the garden to see how the alliums are doing. There are four different varieties and they are all in bud, so it won't be too long now. The varieties in the first two photos will take a bit longer but the ones in the other two photos are starting to flower.

This last photo is the star of the show. The bulbs were expensive so I could only afford three of them last year but will get some more this year as they are so pretty. I'll photograph it again when it is fully open.

I enjoyed the Zoom call with my cousin last night and will repeat it at some stage if she wants to ... she's a bit of a technophobe so may prefer to just talk on the phone though. Tonight I'll catch up on The Great British Sewing Bee and then take myself off to bed to read for a while before settling down for the night.


  1. That last allium does look like it is commanding centre stage - very pretty. I have the purple alliums, which have spread to other parts of the garden (I think the squirrels had a hand in that). On two errands I was sizing up potential SPSH photos-fingers crossed the scene doesn't change the opportunity. Still a nice long detour is good as a change of scene.

    1. I'm liking the alliums so will add some more varieties to fill out a few gaps.

      I saw one possibility for the SPSH and have already decided on the photo for the local landmark 😀

  2. Such a very pretty allium. I haven't seen last night's Sewing Bee yet either as we were watching about foundlings on an Ancestry programme with Davina McCall, will watch it tonight too. I hope the blood tests will give you the answer to your problem.

    1. I saw the foundlings programme on +1 last night ... it was very emotional and I may have had a few tears!

      I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a clear answer from the tests but am probably being over optimistic!

  3. I hope your blood test results will be good.

    Sorry you weren't able to take the photos you were hoping to take! I know you'll find some alternatives before the month is over, though. :) The allium flowers in the last photo are gorgeous!

    Glad your chat with your cousin went well. Hope future chats will go well, too.

    1. Thanks Bless. I'm hoping it'll give the doctor enough info to work out once and for all what is behind the pain and swelling.

      I've decided to have another try for photos tomorrow but probably just locally rather than driving over to BoA.

      I enjoyed talking to my cousin and getting to know her. I suppose it will never be the same as if we'd had shared experiences throughout childhood but it is what it is and at least we know each other now.


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