What has happened to the weather? Yesterday it was warm enough to go without a coat and today I can't get myself warm and the heating is on again!
It's been a quiet day of self-imposed idleness as a response to hurting my foot when I was in town yesterday. It wasn't too bad yesterday but has got progressively worse and today the big toe on my right foot is swollen and painful - I'm wondering whether I have broken it again. Walking is difficult, not helped by the problems with my left knee, so I'm resting as much as I can until I speak to my doctor tomorrow. I have a telephone consultation (booked for something else) so will be able to get some advice although I think it is likely he will need to see me in person for this - at least he will make the appointment if that proves to be the case.
The most energetic thing I've done was to walk outside to talk to Joy while we watched her hubby collect the remainder of their possessions from my garage. Apart from that I have completely abandoned all thoughts of housework but have kept myself occupied answering some emails, drooling over the Lakeland catalogue but resisting temptation, answering a few blog comments and completing my daily Italian lesson. I still need to do some piano practice so will do that once I finish this post.
I tuned into the Indian Cookery class where today's recipe was an Indian breakfast, masala porridge. I'm not sure I'd want to have this for a breakfast but thought it would work well for a brunch or lunch for me - I'll try it one day next week as it's another way of adding oats to my diet but as the recipe asks for vegetables, it will have to wait until I have been shopping again. Monica also demonstrated Anda Bhurji (spicy scrambled eggs) which she serves as a side dish to the masala porridge so I will try that recipe as well.
There's nothing of interest on the TV tonight so I will tune into 'An Evening With Henry', a new offering from the organisation that provides the online classes. This is the first of a series of talks by Henry Blofeld ("Blowers"), the former cricket commentator. I've seen his one man show in the past and he was both funny and interesting, so I'm hoping for the same from these talks. I'll probably curl up with a book afterwards and aim for another early night.
Oh I do hope you have NOT broken anything. With Joy & husband collecting the last of things from your garage, you can count that as a check mark done activity. Curling up with a book sounds ideal, I'd add with a mug of tea & biscuit :)
ReplyDeleteIt'll have to be coffee for me ... don't understand all you tea drinkers!
DeleteI can't tick off the garage yet as the current stage end when the racking goes in, so still some way to go.
Haha, reminds me of my first morning at my uncle's home. He told me my cousin was making "some egg preparation". Would I have some? I said yes, assuming omelette or scrambled eggs or something, and was really surprised when a bowl of curried boiled eggs and onions arrived! It had never occured to me that eggs would be curried, or curry served for breakfast! Hope I didn't show my shock. Anyway, it was quite nice. The worst thing about it was the western bread served alongside - even drier and more tasteless than its English equivalent!! Let us know how your new recipes turn out.
ReplyDeleteAs to the weather: rain, sun, rain, rain, sun, wind wind wind. (Stop boasting about having had a coatless day yesterday!)
These recipes looked good but I'm not convinced I could face them first thing in the morning! I will try them next week though, just later in the day.
DeleteDid I mention it was warm enough to leave my coat at home yesterday? The weather is making up for it today though - cold! wind! rain! - such a change from yesterday, when I didn't need to wear a coat ... did I mention that? 🤣🤣
If it makes you feel any better, Mum told me that the first time she and Dad went to India (first return trip for her), even she was taken aback by being faced with curry for every meal including breakfast. Dad had to shut her up from commenting on it. Guess she has crossed the cultural divide.
DeleteEileen I quite like your blog but if I had one cricitism it would be the lack of up-to-date weather reports. If it weren't for the BBC, I'd have no idea what the weather in Wiltshire had been like yesterday, for example. And it would be nice to know these things. Just something you might like to consider, hope you don't mind my mentioning it... :oP
Take care of the toe! (Meant to mention that before.)
I can cope with curry at every other meal but am struggling to appreciate the thought of a spicy meal first thing. How long did it take your Mum to get used to it?
DeleteI will try to do better with the weather reports and I apologise for disappointing you 🤭
I don't think she did. I doubt they/we were there more than 10 days. Makes me wonder what she ate growing up! The next time we were all there (20 years ago) she coped least well with the heat and the hawkers (and the rest), prompting my sister to say something along the lines of "it's your country!" But allegedly it wasn't like that in those days....
DeleteInteresting to read that it seemingly changed that much in her life time. Is that a case of selective memories do you think?
DeleteI do believe that the poverty gap would not have been anything like as wide in those days. Also with the tourism industry being much smaller then, i guess there wouldn't have been the level of hawking, peddling etc., which was what was getting to Mum when sister exclaimed at her.
DeleteThat makes sense.
DeleteBy the way, it's raining today!
...also, back then she knew no different.
DeleteSnap! (And how!)
Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear about your foot! I hope your big toe isn't fractured! I'm glad you have an already existing doctor's appointment/phone consultation, tomorrow so you can mention your foot and see what needs to be done. Till then, rest as much as you can!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the link to the recipes! Sri Lankan cooking is a little different, but, not too different and I am fine with curries for breakfast. I haven't tried masala porridge, though! I don't normally like porridge, but, I think I might like it made this way! Something to try, one day. I saw that there was a recipe for upma made with rolled oats, too - I usually make upma with semolina or cream of wheat, but, might try the oats version, one day. :)
By the way, I enjoy your weather reports (Lady Ella's too!) How else would I know that there's rain in other parts of the world? :D
It feels like it did last time I fractured it but, as the hours passed I have been able to walk a little better which I definitely couldn't do with the fractures. I don't know what it is but something is clearly wrong - I am hopeful there will be a quick diagnosis and easy treatment.
DeleteI'm looking forward to trying a new way to incorporate oats in my diet so I will try this recipe. Changing the subject slightly, do you have any suggestions for spicing up cauliflower, please? I always end up with lots of cauliflower to use up so a tasty spicy side dish would be a useful addition to my recipe file.
The way it's going at the moment you can assume that it's raining every day ... not that I'm getting fed up with it! I'll just tell the two of you when it's warm enough to go coatless as Lady Ella likes to hear that! 😂😂
Careful! Next thing we know, Bless will be making coatlessness notifications a daily feature of her Two Cents ... and then where will we be?!
DeletePS I'm sure you'll already have tried it, but cauliflower bhaji is a staple, and much loved in our house.
DeleteWell I'll be green with envy as Bless gets much warmer weather than either of us!
DeleteBrilliant, thank you. Why didn't I think of cauliflower bhajis ... alters meal plan and shopping list ...
I am not that fond of cauliflower so don't prepare it often, but, when I do, I add turmeric, mustard seeds, cut up green chilies, curry leaves, etc., and sort of saute it, adding just a little water to get the cauliflower florets to a soft, yet crunchy, stage.
DeleteI've added it to my 'Cooking With Bless' folder. Many thanks x
DeleteSorry to hear about your foot, Eileen. I hope it's not fractured. Like you said, you wouldn't be able to walk if it were fractured.
ReplyDeleteI often make savory oats for breakfast. Sometimes I add Indian curry powder, and other times Mexican chili powder. :)
I'm fairly confident today that it isn't a fracture but it's swollen and red, so something is wrong. I'll see what the doctor says.
DeleteI'm trying the spicy scrambled eggs today and will try the porridge next week. Were you brought up having spicy breakfasts?
I hope your doctor's telephone consultation goes OK. Your toe really needs to be looked at and possibly you'll needn to have an X-ray and I do hope it's not fractured. I'm frustrated that we can't be seen face to face with our GPs anymore. I have had so many hospital appointments over the last fifteen months and visits to the dentist so why are GPs any different. Having said that I have both a telephone consultation and an online video appointment about my eye problem next week both with hospital consultants so this must be the new normal.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what he can do during a phone consultation but at least I get to speak to him today. I don't really understand why it is so difficult to actually see your GP now. There's a lot of things that the phone consultation is fine for but when an examination is needed the preliminary phone consultation just delays things. I think it probably is the new normal but it doesn't provide such a good service.
DeleteI'm sorry to hear about your foot and certainly hope it's not broken. It's hard to cut back on activities. I've been seeing Paul Eugene (Youtube aerobics coach) leading some chair aerobics lately and wondered how much call there was for that, but it'd certainly be nice if if I had foot or knee problems.
ReplyDeleteThe breakfast dish sounds tasty!
There are quite a few seated exercise classes but I actually find that, for me, they take more effort and I don't particularly enjoy them. For now I'm just sticking to walking as much as my body can cope with.
DeleteI tried the spicy scrambled eggs today and loved them so another successful recipe to add to my repertoire.
Painful, swollen, red big toe... Gout? I hope whatever it is heals quickly. Unrelated, but all this Indian food discussion has me wanting some! Best, Celie
ReplyDeleteThanks Celie. Apparently it's unlikely to be gout as I have the accompanying nodules which suggests rheumatoid arthritis is the more likely diagnosis. I'm hoping it isn't!
DeleteI love Indian food!