
My plans to do some housework fell by the way yesterday but I am pleased with the reason for the change and with what I achieved. 

I had a bit of a Eureka moment after breakfast. I'd put the breakfast dishes to be washed up, started the first load of washing and as I turned round to face the rest of the room it suddenly hit me - the rooms needs a good clear out! There's still some things in the room which are left over from the last big decluttering and sort out, all things I want to keep but which don't belong in this particular room. So that realisation was the starting point, and as I started moving items to the correct rooms I realised that I most likely gave up last time before I finished the job - there's nothing else to be disposed of but most rooms contain items that belong in other rooms. The house always looks tidy but it's just not quite how I want it.

Hindsight being a wonderful thing, I do wonder whether this has subconsciously played on my mind and is maybe a factor leading to the depression. Anyway, I started reorganising and ended up at the 'looking worse before but gets better' stage when I'd had enough for one day. Today I'll carry on, starting in the living room where there really isn't much to do, and then move on to the dining room. As well as putting all items away I plan to clean through each rooms before moving on to the next, and I'm starting with the downstairs as there is less to sort in these rooms. I feel quite positive about doing this so that in itself makes it worth the effort.


  1. Ah-ha moments are fun aren’t they, unfortunately (maybe) they often involve work as well. I’m glad yours made itself known before you went down another path.

    My looking worse before it looks better usually involves a whole heap of stuff in the hallway while I finish whichever room I’m at. I find it impossible to relocate things then move them again to clean where I want them to end up.

    1. I've got as far as dumping everything in the correct rooms and today, and probably tomorrow, is all about putting all of it away in its proper place. I've decided the housework part of it can wait for now!

  2. Those eureka moments are sometimes the shake up we need to get on with something. I also like those moments because it often gets me to un-think some of the things I have been doing, that just do not work. Good luck with the rest of the tidy up.

    1. I think some of this is down to how I use the rooms differently now I'm staying at home more - that occurred to me as I was putting stuff away upstairs today. I won't have half these problems if I go back to using my playroom, which is the one room where stuff can be left out and I can shut the door on it.

  3. It's amazing how the state of our homes can impact our sense of well being, isn't it? Sometimes, the clearing of a room can do wonders - much more than the dusting and vacuuming, etc. Sounds like you will be busy over the next couple of days. :)

    1. It definitely does. I knew the living room was getting a bit cluttered as I wasn't keeping on top of tidying around every night but hadn't noticed the other rooms until I 'looked'! I'm concentrating on tidying, sorting and putting away first and that gives the quicker results. The cleaning can follow on next week.

  4. You do stay busy! And it sounds like you know just how you want things and how to get them that way, so it is just a matter of time. Enjoy the process :)

    1. It helps the day pass quickly if I have something planned, especially with how I am currently feeling. It's just (!) the simple matter of returning things to how they should be 😁

  5. It surprised me the quiet satisfaction I get when I clean and organize a room. Taking one last look Itaround before moving on to another project makes all the work worth it.

  6. Oh well all know that "worse before its gets better" moment in any big project. Good for you for tackling it again.

    1. ... and it's all finished now, so worth the effort.


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