
Yesterday was rather mixed but thankfully the good outweighed the bad. The bad, to get it out of the way first, was that my car wouldn't start. (In my expert opinion) the battery is completely flat - I don't know if the solution is a new battery or whether it can be jump started/recharged, but there will be a relatively simple solution so I'm not losing any sleep about it. I don't need to use the car in the next few days so will hopefully get it sorted at the weekend, with help from my nephew, my neighbour, or T the mechanic - I will take the supervisory role!

The good news is much more cheerful. First off, a lovely gift from J and R as thanks for letting them store things in my garage prior to their relocation. I am now the very happy owner of four packs of Christmas cards and two large planters, a very generous way of saying thanks.

Next, the post brought a couple of the goodies I'd ordered - the paper cutting kit and another puzzle book, both of which have been put in the cupboard for now. 

The last bit of good news was that the birthday card for my niece - the card I was late posting and which had my one remaining stamp on it, second class instead of the first class it needed - arrived on time for her birthday ... breathes sigh of relief!

Today I can't ignore it any longer - I need to do some housework so it's laundry day and I'll clean the downstairs rooms as well. I still have work to do on the shopping list part of the meal planning so I'd also like to get that finished and out of the way. The laundry will take most of the day because I will have to use the tumble dryer to get it all dry, but I hope to get the cleaning part over and done with this morning so that the rest of the day can be filled with more pleasurable activities ... piano, Italian practice, reading, and watching The Show Must Go On's screening of The Wind in the Willows musical.


  1. Yeah to all the good ... what a nice gift for storing something in your garage. I have a few housekeeping tasks to get done; bathrooms!

    Hopefully something simply about your car battery woes. One of my sisters had ongoing battery issues & she had the car at the dealership often until she herself discovered by chance that it was the plug in driving recorder that was draining the battery. She now keeps the driving recorder (insurance company provided for reduced rates) unplugged when she's not driving.

    1. I think the car problem is simply caused by not starting it up often enough so the battery has completely drained. I'll speak to my neighbour to see if he can help me out and then I can go for a long drive. Once it's sorted, I need to drive it more frequently.

      Yes, it is a very generous gift from my friends.

  2. I'm glad your bad news is easily fixable, but I know it's frustrating to be all ready to go and have a car not start. Ah, laundry. That's on my list for today as well. I wish it would stay done ;)

    1. I'm just annoyed with myself for not starting the engine often enough - I've learned my lesson now though!

      I'm okay with the laundry as very little needs to be ironed. It'd be a completely different matter if I had to iron everything!

  3. Car problems are such a nuisance.Are you in the AA or RAC?They would fix it.

    1. No I'm not in either of them. I have plenty of offers of help though so it'll all be sorted out this weekend.

  4. Glad you've had offers of help with getting the car battery sorted. I, too, learned the hard way that my car needs to be started every so often. If I don't feel like driving, I just start it and let it run for about 15-20 minutes while I water the garden.

    Hope you are having a good day, today. :)

    1. I think that's what I will have to do once it's sorted. I don't always feel like going out but I could manage to let it run on the drive for 20 minutes every few days.


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