Weekly Reflections

  Reasons to be cheerful ...

  • receiving interesting parcels filled with fun activities
  • booking a supermarket delivery slot for the first week of November 
  • the relief that twisting my knee last Sunday didn't set me back for too long
  • flowers on the table (even though I had to buy them myself!)
  • making progress on the family tree
  • edible treats!
  • watching The Shows Must Go On, Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of War of the Worlds
  • all the bulbs and plants are in the ground
  • a long chat with J
  • a visit to the Animal Park with L

I am grateful ...
  • for the support of friends 
  • for the technology that enables me to purchase everything I need online

Lifestyle Changes
  • Knee Strengthening (every day): achieved
  • Exercise (a minimum of 4,000 steps every day): only achieved on 6 days out if 7. We won't mention last Sunday!
  • End of Day Routines: well it's heading in the right direction! Mornings are easier than nights which is probably to do with not being active enough to be tired at bedtime.


  1. Some excellent reasons to be cheerful and grateful. I like the sound of those parcels filled with fun activities and the edible treats! I considered making some edible treats, today, but, felt too lazy to do so! Need to rectify that, tomorrow! :)

    1. The edibles are but a memory now but were so worth it! ☺️ Yes, edible treats are a must, so go for it!

      The contents of the other parcels will be spread out over the winter, just to have a variety of things to keep me occupied.

  2. Things are looking good again! Now just watch where you put you feet and you’ll be righ.
    And flowers are a definite mood enhance.

    1. The flowers were money well spent and helped with the depression.

  3. Such lovely reasons to be cheerful, thank you for sharing.
    Eileen, those shelf units can be used as singles, they don't have to go together, and can be bought in all sorts of combinations or in ones. They are 90cm wide so you could still consider them.

    1. I'll measure up this week, although I won't be buying any for a while as I am storing some stuff for friends and there isn't room to fit the shelves in!

  4. Great lists! Lots of thing to be cheerful for.

  5. What a great list! You inspire me to start exercising again. I've been too lazy.

    1. Thanks Nil. Good luck with the exercising although I know you've been completely snowed under with all your college work.

  6. Sounds like lots of silver linings just when you needed. As for the flowers, I did chortle as I too bought myself two bunches and they've failed to bloom! So it could be worse!! 😉

    1. I was lucky with my flowers as they all bloomed and showed off to the best of their abilities. Yes, plenty of good things going on here - it took me ages to come up with the list but it's all there when I make the effort. It's time to get back my Pollyanna outlook and resume all that positive thinking.


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