Weekly Reflections

Reasons to be cheerful ...
  • the cosmos and osteospurmum plants have been potted up and are now adding splashes of colour around the garden
  • buzzy bees!

  • rethinking part of the garden revamp - totally happy with the changes I've decided on
  • phone calls with friends and family
  • thoroughly enjoying my blogging friend Lyssa Medana's new book, 'Out of the London Mist'
  • my left knee, though still painful, is feeling more stable 
  • receiving photos of Baby P, now six months old and sitting up unaided

I am grateful ...
  • to so many people who generously share their skills and knowledge
  • that I am able to self isolate without the hardships experienced by so many others


Despite the return to a self imposed isolation and the need to cancel a couple of social events, I have enjoyed the week. I'm constantly aware (and so, so pleased) of a growing feeling of deep contentment. My days are calm and settling into a rhythm that obviously suits me, and the promise of an occasional adventure is enough for now. 

I've lost 1 lb this week. I probably would have lost more if I hadn't given in and had an Indian takeaway delivery but it was my consolation prize for resuming the isolation - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! On the exercise front, I'm doing the daily knee strengthening routines and they are starting to pay off - my left knee is more stable and I don't have that constant worry that I'm about to fall. I've also been more active around the house and have fitted in a short walk every other day. 


  1. Lovely post Eileen. Well done on the weight loss. Contentment is precious.

    1. Thanks Lynn. Let's hope the weight loss continues!

  2. What a wonderful list of things to be cheerful and grateful about. Congratulations on the weight loss and I'm so glad your knee is starting to feel better. I am also very happy to read that you are feeling more content; that is truly a blessing!

    1. The improvement with my knee is giving me the confidence to try to increase the amount of walking I'm doing as that'll help build up the strength as well.

      I am definitely feeling much more content with things, a positive outcome from the lock-down which gave me time to reassess my priorities.

  3. It's good to take stock in this way, there are plenty of things that we're cheerful about or grateful for but sometimes we just need a reminder to look out for them. Such a lovely photo of the bee on the cosmos.

    1. That's why I started doing this every week - to make me look for all the good things that have happened. It's made a tremendous difference to my mood and outlook on life.

  4. Lovely pic. Yes, contentment is a real blessing. Good for you. :o)

    1. Thank you. This level of contentment has been hard earned but I now have something to build on as life moves forward. 😊

  5. I'm a fan of general strengthening exercises. I am trying to keep from becoming frail as I age. Contentment in these days is a true gift. I need to cultivate that as I begin to get a bit restive.

    1. The exercises are definitely making a difference. I've found some stretching and flexibility ones to do as well. Like you I am trying to retain some strength and flexibility as I get older

      The feeling of contentment has steadily grown during lockdown as my life slowed down and expectations changed.

  6. That’s a fantastic cosmos picture.


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