Weekly Reflections

16/365: another rose bud

Reasons to be cheerful ...

  • chatting, texting and emailing with family and friends
  • loving the video of the doll's house I sold and hearing the twin girls squealing with excitement when they saw it for the first time on Christmas Day
  • getting a much needed hair cut
  • feeling relieved that G (hairdresser) has found someone to take the old piano
  • agreeing the final details of the new fencing with my neighbours and ...
  • ... chatting for ages and enjoying hot drinks together, feeling like normal times
  • feeling chuffed that C thinks I am capable of playing a piano piece in the local music festival, even if I do decide to withdraw nearer the time
  • rediscovering forgotten treasures during a mammoth decluttering session
  • watching the new series of Landscape Artist Of The Year 2022
  • starting to plan a culinary adventure for later in the year

I am grateful ...
  • for understanding friends
  • for G's amazing ability to find recipients for some of the items I've decluttered
  • the familiarity of nature's cycle at a time when life still feels so strange

Lifestyle changes
  • exercise: 
    • 30 minutes daily walk. Complete fail!
    • 20 minutes daily knee strengthening. Achieved 
  • weight: no change 


  1. Another week with lots of great reasons for being cheerful and grateful! How lovely to be able to watch the video of the two girls finding their doll's house on Christmas morning! I'm sure they will have lots of fun playing with it. :)

    1. Thanks Bless. The girls were so excited when they saw the doll's house and they obviously love it. I've been told that they play with it every day.

  2. Your weekly reflections are always so inspiring.
    Enjoy your Sunday! :)

    1. Thanks Irune. Hope you enjoy your day too!

  3. How wonderful to see the girl's delight on Christmas morning on seeing their dolls house, that must have bees no heartwarming for you. Lovely reasons to be cheerful.

    1. Thanks Eileen. I felt really comforted seeing their enjoyment. Their reactions confirmed that I made the right decision to sell it and of course I'm extra happy that it went to twins.

  4. That is a lovely, positive list. You are rocking things.

    1. Thanks Lyssa, bit by bit it's getter better!


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