Advent Day 9


I now have two Advent calendars on the go. J has finished hers already so has loaned it to me ... she can't have mine until next year though, as I want to stick to opening a mini puzzle box every day.

Her new home is lovely. It needs a fair bit of work done to get it how she wants it, but it's comfortable and presentable for the time being and she feels 'at home' there, which is the important thing. We had loads to catch up on and spent a very enjoyable afternoon catching up ... I left home at 11am and arrived back at just after 5pm! 

I rounded off the evening with a couple of online games of canasta and was lucky enough to win both. I don't usually beat N so am always chuffed when I do manage it!

Today there's nothing in the diary so it'll be a quiet day at home. It's raining so I doubt I'd have wanted to go out anyway  and I've had quite  busy week, so the rest will do me good. My knees are painful today!  


  1. Sounds the right thing to do to rest and I hope your knees become less painful. Your advent calendars are coming along nicely

  2. You inspired me and I ordered one late. I've just caught up and am now on the right day. I'm really enjoying it so thank you very much. xx

  3. Sounds like you had a lovely visit with J. Rest those knees!

  4. Two puzzles! Double the fun! Glad you had a lovely visit with your friend J. Sorry your knees are painful; hope a day of rest at home will help.


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