A Quiet Day


I had a lovely time with friends yesterday and I hope to be able to repeat it to welcome in the new year, but for now I need a quiet day or two. I don't actually feel ill, but energy levels are low so I plan to have a couple of quiet days to recharge the batteries. 

I won't be entirely idle. I'll be using my time to think about possibilities/solutions for a few things in my life that either aren't quite working out as well as I'd like or which I need to devote more time to, and also things that I 'think' I'd like to resume. I can see lots of lists and rearranging of diary dates so I can make time for swimming, choir, piano, friends, and possibly some voluntary work, without having to rush from one thing to the next.


  1. Enjoy your quiet days relaxing and making plans. Sounds good to me xx

  2. I like these days between Christmas and the New Year, like you we will be relaxing. To day I have started to think about my word for 2024, haven't settled on anything yet but have some ideas. I have decided to return to walking at home in January, so that's one of my things, looking forward to hearing about you lists. Helen S.

  3. Enjoy your quiet day and relaxing.

  4. I think after Christmas we all need a little time to recharge and just breathe. Enjoy your quiet days.

  5. It sounds like a very much needed time to think, plan and rest in body, mind and spirit. Good for you - very wise. xx


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