Advent Day 18


It's canasta group this afternoon, the final one before Christmas. I'm looking forward to it. It's a very friendly group, with one exception (there's always one isn't there), and I always do my best to make sure she doesn't spoil it for me. We don't have anything Christmassy arrange - that's expecting too much as they haven't organised last years Christmas meal yet - but there will be biscuits and possibly cakes to enjoy during the tea break.

I was a bit ahead of myself when I said I was ready for Christmas as I'd completely forgotten to transfer the monies for all my great nieces and nephews ... so just their presents, nothing important! It's all done now, thankfully. 

After canasta we'll binge watch a few more episodes of 'Better Call Saul', so a pleasant end to the day. We've nearly finished watching the entire series so will have to decide what to watch next. Any recommendations?


  1. Have fun at the canasta group! I'm sure your great nieces and nephews will appreciate the fact that you remembered to transfer their Christmas monies in good time! :D

  2. Enjoy canasta group and don't let the unfriendly one spoil it for you. If she starts just say Bah Humbug to her :-)

  3. Have a great canasta time and enjoy the biscuits and, hopefully, cakes. xx

  4. That sounds like a lot of fun.

    We've binge watched a couple of seasons of Welcome to Wrexham on Disney, but I'm not sure how a football series would go down.

  5. Hope you had a lovely time at Canasta. I am all ready for Christmas. Everything back home is wrapped and under the tree. I even managed to buy some food goodies for them!


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