Advent Day 16


People are very kind. I was lucky enough to be on the receiving end of that kindness yesterday. I did my shopping and arrived home with a car boot full of bags (I may have bought more than I planned, but I'm admitting to nothing!) and was going to lift those bags indoors whilst managing with just one crutch to support my walking. I was stood by the open boot, psyching myself up to tackle the lifting when a car drove past and parked in front of my car. The driver, a complete stranger to me but a friend of one of my neighbours, walked back and carried all of the bags into the kitchen for me. He'd spotted the crutch and didn't hesitate to help ... so kind, and very much appreciated. 

I have everything for Christmas except the fresh fruit and vegetables, which I'll get on the 23rd or 24th and that'll be a quick visit to S&K Fruits rather than have to brave one of the supermarkets. Next week is set aside for social things. Mainly visiting/visitors but there is also the final session (for this year) of the canasta group to look forward to on Monday.


  1. That was kind of your neighbour's friend to help you like that. We've noticed that some people are more than happy to help as my husband is disabled.
    It feels good when you know there is just the fresh food left to buy. Me too xx

  2. Some people are so very kind, it's good to see. Another one here who did all the food shopping yesterday and Thursday, now like you fresh fruit, veg, some cheese and cream to get the end of the week. Helen S.

  3. Kind neighbours are gold! Your jigsaw is growing ours is too.

  4. Yes, there are some very kind people out there and I'm glad that one of them was able to help you with your packages. Sounds like you are all ready for Christmas! :)

  5. That's wonderful and leaves one with a very warm and fuzzy feeling as well as more direct happiness. Thanks for sharing the joy. xx

  6. There are so many good people in our world, they just do things quietly and with respect.


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