One Little Word

I've been reviewing my One Little Word (OLW) for 2020 and giving some thought to my word for 2021. 

My word for 2020 was 'simplify' ... well, that certainly happened though mostly from things out of my control. The coronavirus restrictions, and all the fears and anxiety it brought with it, certainly stripped life back to essentials - less than the essentials really with the lack of real contact with people - so I didn't achieve all that I wanted to with a focus on simplifying life. I did continue with the decluttering so know what still has to leave the house but now is not the time to finish that. I may revisit 'simplify' at some time in the future.

For 2021 I want to change direction. I think the coronavirus restrictions will be in place in one form or another for most of this year so I want a word that genuinely means something to me and which can be my focus, regardless of what restrictions are in place at any given time. I've eventually settled on 

as much as, or more than, is wanted
as much as, or more than, is necessary
in a quantity or degree that answers a purpose

I have no intention of being too prescriptive or depriving myself in any way but do feel that I can improve several areas of life by determining what I define for myself as 'enough'. One example, and the thing I plan to focus on during January, is food, revisiting earlier decisions/habits on the amount to keep in the house, the amount to eat and still lose weight, and whether I have enough variety in my diet. Just deciding on where, when and how to shop will hopefully eliminate certain anxieties now that I'm relying on deliveries rather than in-store shopping. 

Another example is to do with the decluttering which up to now has been about getting rid of the obvious excess or unwanted items, mostly belonging to my late partner, but I have never considered what I have chosen to keep in terms of whether I am keeping enough or too much. I know from the decluttering I have already completed that removing unwanted items from the house lifts a weight from my shoulders and frees my mind for the more fun things in life I want to do so I can see that there are real benefits to be gained from revisiting this.

I can't hope to address every aspect of life until we are free from restrictions and are able to resume our normal lives but I can make a good start.  Even without the coronavirus I know that life is not static and changes will happen or be desired, so nothing will be written in stone. The long term aim is to achieve a balanced life.


  1. "Enough is as good as a feast", as they say. :) I haven't chosen a word of the year, but, if I do, then, I think my word will be "intentional".

    1. Intentional is a good choice. I'm hoping my choice will keep me on track towards a balanced life.

  2. Enough also means we want something to stop so it's a very appropriate word for 2021.

    1. That's true. When I read your comment I immediately thought of a couple of other things I need to stop which I hadn't considered before, so thanks for pushing me in the right direction ☺️

  3. I wish you much success with your OLW. I think enough is going to be a verb & an adjective for you this year.

    1. Thanks Mary-Lou. Have you chosen a word for the year?

    2. Eileen I think I could be wordless this year. Absolutely nothing is settling on me, nothing coming to mind ... I'm OK with that, no FOMO on this (lol).

    3. I looked at the image you put on Facebook - the first three words I saw are miracles, breakthrough, and strength. I hope this is true of 2021!

    4. Just realised it's the first four words! Mine was 'money' so hope that comes true!

  4. I'd think that word would serve us all well as we make it through the coming year.


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