Tuesday 4 - Just Wondering

These questions are repeated from December 2019 and are the final set of questions posted by Toni Taddeo, the originator of Tuesday 4. Annie, the new organiser, has re-posted them in remembrance of Toni.

1.   When was the last time you tried something new? I regulary try out new recipes, most recently was last month when I tried a new-to-me recipe for Lamb Rogan Josh. 

2.   Who in your family do you compare yourself to? I don't actively compare myself to anyone but, being one of non-identical twins, have grown up with the continual comparison to my twin sister by others outside of our immediate family. Within the family we were always encouraged to be ourselves, not one of a pair, so I've grown up having my own friendship group and interests that are the complete opposite of my sister's choices - I'm the musical one in a family of sport lovers. I've never fully understood why so many people throughout our lives have assumed that we share the same likes and dislikes just because we're twins, and I do sometimes get frustrated at their disbelief when they discover that's not the case. 

3.   What lesson in life did you learn the hard way? To be confident in my own choices and to recognise that other people don't necessarily have my best interests at heart in their 'advice'!

4.   What can you do today that you weren't able to do before? I can now speak some basic Italian. I started learning in August 2020 and have practiced for at least 15 minutes every day using a combination of the Duolingo app, an online conversation group, and a combination of text books and YouTube lessons. 

Many thanks to Annie for organising the Tuesday 4  questions every week.


  1. I enjoyed reading your responses to the questions, Eileen. It can be hard being a twin, I'm sure. One of my cousins has twin daughters - they are not identical, but, look so much alike that many of us can't tell them apart! One time, when one of them fell ill, her twin went in to work instead and no one could tell for the two weeks she substituted for her sister!

    1. Haha, I know some identical twins who were always substituting for each other. You can tell we are sisters but we're not identical so it was extremely frustrating when teachers at primary school supposedly couldn't tell us apart - strangely it was no longer a problem once Mum complained!

  2. What a great thing to come out of the pandemic's lockdowns - you now can speak a little Italian! Maybe once all of this COVID is in the past & travel is once again possible, we'll be reading about your fabulous trip to Italy.

    We have twins in the family, some are identical, some not. In my social circle there are several twins & triples born from IVF, which I believe has a specific name but I cannot remember what it is. There's two sets that you'd be hard pushed to know they are even related!

    1. A trip to Italy is the biggest reason for starting the Italian. Whether we ever get to the stage where I'd feel safe to travel is another matter!

  3. So cool that you are learning Italian. I see in the comment above you are hoping for a trip to Italy. I hope you get to do that!

    1. I'd booked a photography holiday to Venice which was cancelled by the organisers because of the pandemic but that's the trip I'd like to do. One day, hopefully 😊

  4. It was interesting to hear your take on being a twin. My mom's sisters are identical twins, but they are very dissimilar. They don't even particularly get along or like one another most of the time. The only way to guarantee they will present a united front is for someone else to say something about one of them. Then they come together to take the person down. When they are truly feuding (which is all too often) they drive my mom insane calling her to complain about each other. They are pushing 70...you'd think they'd have grown up by now.

    1. Haha, we're not quite that bad! At the other end of the scale are the identical twins we knew growing up. They are two of triplets, the third being a boy. The girls have always dressed exactly the same, even as adults and even once they married. They must plan their outfits in advance or phone each other every morning. They still do it now and must be in their early 70s. It's never seemed healthy that they didn't develop their own individuality.

  5. I think its so cool that you are learning Italian! Its good to see everyone learning and moving along despite the problems in the world.

    1. I'm really enjoying it, though progress is much slower than I'd like. I think people are finding time to get started on some of the things they've always wanted to do.

  6. Haha. I know some identical twins who are not identical ... I find it very strange: different heights and physiques, one's a sop, the other alto... Never come across it before.

    1. I'm a sop and my sister is an alto 😁
      She's three inches taller than me and until relatively recently always carried a lot more weight than me 😁
      She has brown eyes and mine are grey 😁
      They thought we were identical when we were born even though our faces are different shapes.

      I think twins are a fascinating subject!

  7. Great answer to #3! I have to be super careful about advice. I totally agree with you. Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  8. These sound like hard questions. I may need to branch out a bit and try a new thing or two lol

    1. They did require more thought than previous weeks! I'm working through my list of 'I'm going to do that one day' that I don't ever get round to doing. I've decided that 'one day' has arrived!

  9. Eileen,

    Finding confidence in oneself is a thing any of us struggle(d) with over the years. I'm happy that I finally found mine. :) I always thought it would be neat to have an identical twin. It's funny I went to school with identical twins. The first time I met one of the boys in grade school I did not this and within a few minutes I saw him again in a different part of the school. I was like, how did get here so much faster than me. After being around the two, I spotted the slight difference in their appearance but they both were mischievous as all get out. lol

    Sorry for being so late to catch up on your answers. Do you know if this is the last installment? Have a good evening!

    1. There hasn't been an announcement that this is the last set of questions so I assume it will continue. Maybe Annie is busy and can't set the questions this week.


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