Me On Monday

Me on Monday is over the migraine and starting to feel much better. Thank you for your comments on yesterday's post which once again I didn't get round to answering. I will try to do better! 

This week will be a quiet week. The only things in the diary are choir practice tonight and a haircut on Thursday. I have the usual housework to do today and tomorrow but that's about it for the week. The forecast is for rain on most days so I should be able to avoid plant watering duties as well. 

So, what will I do with myself? Definitely some daily Italian language lessons. I'm enjoying the challenge and feel that I'm making some progress. Up to now I've just stuck to the free Duolingo app which is good as far as it goes but I've reached a stage where I want to consolidate all that I've covered so far before moving on, so this week I'd like to work through some online lessons which cover the theory side of things and a YouTube video which will help with pronunciation. I'll also do some daily piano playing.

I'm hoping to resume exercising but I still feel completely drained so that side of things will depend on how quickly I get back to normal. The rest of my time will be spent relaxing as much as possible, reading, and watching TV. I can tell I don't feel quite right as I'm debating with myself which daytime TV programmes I want to watch!


  1. Really glad you are feeling better and I think you are wise to take things easy for a few days, just to fully recover.

    1. I'm feeling much better thanks Joy. I haven't done anything at all so far today ... this is the extreme version of taking it easy 😂 xx

  2. Glad you are feeling better. Sounds like a good rainy week list of activities.

    1. Thanks Maggie. We have another yellow warning for high winds as well so I don't feel quite so down about having to stay in.

  3. Hope it's an easy week - seems like you need one! Glad you're feeling better.

    1. One of the best bits of being retired is that it's entirely up to me how I choose to spend my time, so it will definitely be an easy, relaxing week.

  4. Good news that the migraine has left. You are certainly progressing quickly with learning Italian - well done you! Is the weather nice enough that you can sit a spell in your beautiful garden & admire what has been done & dream about what is to be done?

    1. Sadly, no! It's pouring down and the wind is picking up - we have a yellow wind warning so it's going to get worse.

      The garden looks a bit of a mess at the moment as the two biggest beds have been prepared but not yet planted.

  5. So glad to hear that you are feeling better. Take the time to rest now, when you need it. Consider it a bit of a mini-vacation before your planned "staycation"! :D

    1. I am definitely taking it easy, don't worry. I doubt that much will get done this week!

  6. Proper rest and nutrition can be the key to it. Glad you are feeling better.

    1. Sadly, important as rest and good nutrition is, it's way more complicated than that with some triggers that are outside of my control. The worst of this one is behind me now thank goodness ☺️


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