
Monday is currently my designated day for housework so I started off with good intentions yesterday but kept getting distracted. It turned out to be quite a productive day, just not a lot of housework so I need to finish that off today before I do anything else. However, my personal admin is now up to date, the laptop and all photos have been backed up, choir music printed and filed, and all the August birthday cards are ready for posting.

I also finished choosing the plants for the garden. I'll discuss them with Danielle this afternoon and then do another garden update for tomorrow.  I haven't given much thought to the front garden yet so that'll be the next thing to think about, though probably not until next year.

The library has reopened on restricted hours but I doubt I will be making use of it for a while. We were given the option to vote for the safety measures we'd like to see and they're going with the option I didn't like at all - members of the public are allowed to browse the books so, in my opinion, it's the option with the highest risk because it's not possible to know how many people have touched the books. I'm disappointed because there were much better options offered but never mind. I'll just have to keep reading on the Kindle and making use of the cheap 99p offers.

I should have enough time to visit a couple of places near J's house to take some photos for my monthly challenge and the SPSH. It's J's day for lunch with her mum so I won't see her - we tend to talk for ages so it's just as well because I need to get back home in time for Danielle's arrival.

I'll count the photo walk as today's exercise, because it'll involve a fair bit of walking between locations, and I walked over to the canal yesterday so I'm on target with the new exercising pattern. I seem to have lost my appetite which is a worry as missed or late meals can be a trigger for the migraines. I munched on peanuts and crackers yesterday, just to make myself eat something but I want to turn that round today - I finished off the peanuts and crackers so I don't have much choice!


  1. That's a beautiful picture of your garden, with the daisies in the front and the crocosmia behind them. :)

    Sounds like you had a very productive day, yesterday, and will have another productive day, today, too. Well, today for you and tomorrow for me (it is still 10:00 p.m. on Monday at this end!) I hope you have a lovely day, Eileen.

    1. Thanks Bless. It's 8:50 am and the regular housework is over and done with so will start on some of the monthly cleaning tasks after a coffee break - probably window cleaning. I feel energetic so I may as well put that to good use!!

  2. Have you heard of the Libby app Eileen? My daughter put it on my iPad for me and it has been a lifesaver during lockdown. If you have a valid library card, you can “join” your library online and download books for 21 days. Admittedly, very popular books have a waiting time and there is not as much choice as a physical library, but I can have 3 or 4 books on the go, plus you don’t have to remember to take them back - they just vanish, or you can send them back early. It might be worth looking at to see if it suits you.

    1. You've saved the day. I completely forgot about borrowing ebooks from the library even though I've done it before when they first offered the facility. Thank you x

  3. I suppose you could wear gloves. I wear some whenever I go shopping - for me and for others as well.

    1. That's an option as well. It's usually quite busy in the library so, although it's a big place, I'm not sure how easy it will be to distance from others.

      Interestingly, it doesn't seem to be too popular and there are grumbles on the community page so there's also a possibility they will have a rethink.

  4. Lovely picture of your garden. I think you just need to think through the library and other places. I was reading an article by a doctor who quite rightly pointed out that this virus cannot be absorbed through your skin! Handling a book that someone else has touched will not harm you as long as you wash / sanitize your hands afterwards and don’t touch your face ( sanitize before removing your mask) . Any book you choose can be stowed away in a safe place in your house for a few days before reading if that makes you feel happier. I personally don’t like the idea of gloves because they actually prevent you cleaning your hands so often. The only time I wear them is filling up with fuel and I then chuck them, hand sanitize and then go to pay.
    Lecture now over! 😂😂

    1. I only use gloves at the petrol station or cash points, disposing of them each time.

      We'll have to agree to differ on the library thing. 😊😊 I hear what you're saying and know the virus isn't absorbed through the skin but it can live on paper and board so borrowing books in the way they are proposing is not as low risk as it could have been if they'd gone with any of their other proposals.

    2. It is of course absolutely essential that you feel comfortable with the choices you make. Each individual knows what they can cope with, what their personal risks are and what is going on in their neighbourhood. Look after yourself Eileen xx

    3. Thanks Maggie. I'm sure my hesitation is in part due to shielding for the entire lock-down period so not leaving the house at all during that period. Going into any premises is now the cause of much anxiety on my part 🤣

  5. I can sympathise and don't think you are being paranoid. I haven't been shielding but even so I am not comfortable with many situations I find myself in now, which seem unecessarily lax, presenting risks/choices for little or no benefit. I carry sanitiser (which I seem to be squirting permanently!) and try not to touch my face but I'm certain that all the same I do so subconsciously. Sometimes I catch myself just when it is too late! Maybe I have some some abnormal nervous tick or perhaps it is the long hair (which gets into my face even if tied back) but I'm certain if I got lost in a book I would very soon have transferred whatever was on the pages to my fizzog!

    1. PS. There was a staircase of Mexican fleabane on the telly a couple of weeks ago!

    2. I always refer to it as the Hestercombe Daisy although that it is also Erigeron. That is where mine came from originally and hoping to see it in that very location on Friday.

    3. Why does your face itch SO much when you are driving? I remember exactly the same issue when I was doing any aseptic technique at work.
      I have accidentally touched my face when counting cash from our honesty box. Although I have quarantined it for several days I find myself flying to the bathroom to wash my face. Will we ever be ‘normal’ again?

    4. I touch my face all the time - that's one thing I have found out about myself since this all started and now I'm aware of it, it's got even worse 🤣

      Lady E - it's the need to rely on other people when so many aren't taking it as seriously that makes it so difficult. A friend is planning to take her children to America later this month and thinks it's all a big fuss about nothing - no idea how she plans to get there as I don't think you can fly direct at present!

      Maggie - were we ever normal? I think life has changed for ever, however things settle down and even if a vaccine is developed, life as we knew it will never return.

    5. Eileen: Yes, that's exactly where a lot of the anxiety comes from!

      Maggie: Have you found Flopsy Bunny yet? I'm starting to think I will never find her!

  6. Love the burst of flowers there. And getting distracted seems to be universal these days, so join the club!

    1. Thanks Susanne. I've been pretty good at staying focused up till now but seem to be constantly distracted this week.

  7. Your photo shows such a gorgeous display! I worry more about airborne transmission than I do touch, but that means I avoid inside activities except for the grocery so the library is a non-starter for me if I have to go inside and stay longer than 15 minutes or so *sigh* I look forward to when this gets easier to manage.

    1. I'm avoiding indoor things as much as possible - only essential medical appointments, nothing else.


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