Weekly Reflections

Reasons to be cheerful ...
  • a visit from my sister who came bearing books and cooking apples!
  • a speedy resolution to the bent obelisk issue
  • phone calls with friends
  • making progress with the Italian lessons
  • taking delivery of plants and bulbs

I am grateful ...
  • for a lifestyle that allows me to take it easy and recharge the batteries when I need to
  • for prescription medications
  • for rainy days which excused me from watering duties
  • that my auntie's passing was peaceful and that her immediate family was able to be with her
  • for all the kind comments on yesterday's post

Lifestyle Changes
  • Weight: No idea, I dropped the scales and now only weigh 6ish stones (I wish 😁). 
  • Knee Strengthening (every day): N/A
  • Exercise (25 minutes every other day): N/A
I opted for a quiet week to recover from the migraine. It really knocked me back this time and I'm still lacking energy so I haven't attempted any exercises at all. The weather hasn't helped as it's been too wet to go for walks so I'm hoping that improves this week. 


  1. Poor scales! Are you going to replace them or go with the flow for a while?
    I'm glad the migraine seems to have departed fully now.

    1. I've decided to leave it for a while as it stops the temptation to keep checking my weight!

      I get migraines regularly, usually weekly, but the medication often stops them straight away, or I can sleep off the overnight ones. I haven't had a bad one like this for a few years now so am hoping it's not the start of a cycle of severe migraines!

    2. A good strategy!
      And I hope not too. :-(

  2. Lots of excellent reasons for good cheer and gratitude. :) I should try your trick of dropping the scales! LOL.

    1. I've decided to do without scales for the time being and see how it goes. If can be just as creative as the broken scales in assessing my weight 🤣

  3. I used to think that migraines were extreme headaches, until I had one myself. It was when our daughter was about 12/18 months old and I was incapable of looking after her, so my husband had to take a couple of days off work, (no relatves nearby). Neither of us knew what it was so he called for a GP (they used to do house calls then). It was he who said it was a type of migraine and gave me some pills to take. All I can remember is that I slept for two days solid in a curtained bedroom. I can't remember any pain at all. Thankfully that is my one and only experience of a migraine, so I can understand how fragile you must feel when you believe one is on its way. Take care and take it easy.

    1. No, as you experienced, it's definitely not just an extreme headache. I've had them all my life so have learned some coping strategies over the years, although it's not as easy now I live alone. I just have to be organised and make sure there is always a supply of suitable food and drinks to help my recovery once the worst stage is over.

      Thankfully I have prescribed medication which, if I can catch it early enough, will usually stop the migraine developing so I'm not out of action as frequently as I used to be.

  4. It's always a great week if you were gifted books and apples (the first one really caught my attention). I hope the migraine is gone and hope the weather is better for you this week :)

    1. My sister always passes the books she's read on to me and then I pass them to a friend when I've read them!

      The migraine has gone and I'm completely over it now. It's supposed to be sunny all week!

  5. Great silver linings in what sounds like a tiring week.

    Don't bin the scales - I have a feeling that there is quite a market for those!

    1. It has been a tiring week but getting better. Maybe I'm being hard on myself and the scales are accurate 🤣🤣


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