A New Goal for 2022

36/365: nandina domestica 'Fire Power'

Towards the end of last year I started listing the the minor repairs that I need to deal with and also the changes I'd like to make around my home and in the garden. I wasn't in any hurry to action any of the changes or repairs, just a vague idea that I'd make a start in 2022. Around the same time and more recently in Mary-Lou's blog I started reading about tolerations, silent to-do lists, and the aesthetics of joy. The links are to articles which give an overview of the topics but aren't the ones I read initially and which I can't find now I want them! Anyway, the articles rang a bell in the depths of my brain and sparked my interest enough to do some reading around the subject. I've been thinking about just how all the things I'm just putting up with, all the unfinished projects and abandoned hobbies are affecting my mental wellbeing and have come to realise that I need to address these things sooner rather than later. It's also led to a huge (positive) shift in how I feel about the ongoing decluttering as well as how I plan to tackle the remainder. I've been reviewing my lifestyle goals and this has led to me set a new goal for myself - to stop tolerating the things that get me down, both around the home and just generally in life, and to start addressing what needs to be done to get things back on track.

I've been updating my list and have made an initial attempt to prioritise the  entries. I'll be making a start on the stage 1 list which are all the things I can either do myself as well as the items I need to buy for completing the entries in stage two, which are the tasks I will need help with. This doesn't include everything on the list as some entries are more sensitive and I don't want to write about them on a public blog.

So stage 1 includes:

  • replacing light bulbs where the light needs to be brighter 
  • buying a ceiling fan for my bedroom
  • reorganising the kitchen storage
  • disposing of kitchen equipment I no longer use (and haven't used in the nine years I've been living in this house)
  • replacing the toilet seats in the en-suite and cloakroom 
  • buying the frames/pictures for the hall and dining room
  • buying storage jars for the spices
  • organising a cleaner and a window cleaner
  • buying a bath mat for the family bathroom 
  • sorting out the photo frames for the music room
  • replacing the hoover
  • replacing the toaster
  • repairing/replacing the cloakroom sink plug (I'll need help with this but it can't wait)
There are probably more things I can add to the list and I have a target date of April 2022 in mind to complete this stage, although achieving that date is dependent on the costs of the items I need to buy as I still have to save to replace the money spent on the piano.  I still have to consider unfinished projects and hobbies I no longer do, and I'm trying to make a decision on how to handle the remainder of the decluttered items I've set aside to sell. I'm not clear in my mind whether it's more important to me to dispose of the item at any reasonable price or whether it's more important to me that I wait and get the best price possible. I know I'm making hard work of getting rid of the final lot of stuff and I keep dithering and putting it off, so I see it as a priority to decide how I want to approach it and then Just Do It!


  1. This really resonates with me. As you know, I have a fairly similar list and am gradually getting in everything needed (e.g. now light fittings) before I get someone to come and do everything. I think it will make a huge and positive difference once it's all done.

    I find I dither and dither over some stuff and end up just chucking it - we're all different but, personally, I'd go for the do it now option, if you can - especially if it will have a positive effect on your state of mind.

    1. You mentioned your list a few days ago so I knew you would understand. I'm convinced it will make a massive difference once it's all done. I think the do it now option will work for most of it and the silver & coin collection can go back in the cupboard until the price is right to sell. xx

  2. Your list seems doable in the time frame you've given yourself. I was speaking to a friend yesterday who is decluttering and taking things to a hospice charity shop. She told me she has so many handbags she knows she will never use again and I immediately thought, me too. I admire your willpower and will try to remember your phrase "stop tolerating the things that get me down". You could try eBay and put things into an auction for a week, they usually find their own level and sometimes reach a price that surprises you, just a thought.

    1. I'm hopeful about getting it all done in that time frame. I've used eBay before but quite a bit of the stuff to still to sell is too heavy for me to move on my own so I've been doing cash on collection via Gumtree.

  3. Thank you for the links. It is just what I need right now. You have quite a long list of stuff there, but I bet that you will feel amazing once it's done.

    1. This is something I haven't really given too much thought about but once I did read up on the subject I could easily relate it to myself and knew how important it was to make changes. The list is actually much longer but I didn't want to put some of the more sensitive (in that it involves other people) online. Even deciding to address the issues has made me feel better!

  4. Thank you for this post, it is exactly how I am feeling right now. I have been decluttering properly since last September and still more to do. But I wasn't sure about somethings, reading your post has now clarified things for me. I am now of the opinion that I also have a list of 8 things that currently need doing and I have been putting up with these things instead of improving them. I have now made a list of these as a priority. I will follow you journey with interest. Helen S.

    1. Hi Helen, glad it has been of some help to you. Some of the entries on my list are things I chose to leave during the first lockdown, not expecting the Covid situation to continue for so long, but there are also a number of improvements I can make which I probably wouldn't have considered doing without reading the articles. Good luck with clearing your list ... have you set a date for completion? Do you have a blog?

    2. Hi Eileen,
      I haven't set a date for completion yet, but I think I should, that would give me some something to work to-wards. I don't have a blog, although may consider one in the future. I think a lot of us didn't expect the Covid situation to last as long as it has and then maybe this has impacted on some of the things not being done? However this is another of the reasons I think I use to procrastinate.
      Helen S.

    3. I always find that I stand a better chance of achieving a goal if I set a completion date. I don't always finish by the date but it gives me something to aim for. At least you recognise that you are using various reasons to procrastinate ... that's a step in the right direction!

  5. Isn't it interesting how we put up with those little things and never seem to get them done? I think we need to have a list here. There are just things that we put up with because they aren't broken or it isn't something major so we don't think it 'bothers' us.

    1. It is. I hadn't realised the extent of my own "putting up" with things but now that I've thought about it, I don't know why it wasn't obvious just how much it was all affecting me. How long would your list be?

  6. Thanks for the credit & the links. I was surprised how both these little ideas have had such an impacted on me & how even after two months they still resonate with me. I've been doing some deep chats with myself about tolerances. Match these up with my OLW - & WOW my 2022 is going to be something (col).

    1. I should be thanking you for the nudge to get me started. It sounds like you're really invested in changing things round and I hope that 2022 sees huge positive changes for both of us. x

  7. I read this post, very late last night (but didn't comment) and have been thinking about it all day. You are a woman of action, Eileen, and I admire that! I have very high tolerance levels and I think that is my problem! That's the reason why my "house" spoke on my balance wheel isn't as high as I'd like it to be. I have a list similar to yours and at least a mile long, but, I am still not ready to have people come into the house to get things done, so, I will continue to tolerate. And cheer you on as you get things checked off your list! :)

    1. Thanks Bless. I have some things that will have to wait for exactly the same reason but there is still a long list of things I can tackle either by myself or with help from friends and family to improve things and help me achieve this goal. Does your list have any outside repairs/changes you could get started on?


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