I Can Float!

a hot chocolate to warm me up after my swimming lesson

Yesterday's swimming lesson was a success! 

I chose not to join the improvers this week because they were focusing on the backstroke and that felt like a step too far for me at the moment. Instead I spent the lesson re-learning how to float on my front and my back, and how to stand up from either of those positions. It's something I was able to do in my first lesson but which I have somehow developed a mental block about and, prior to this lesson, it's something I was panicking about every time I had to do it. Well, no more panicking! By the end of the lesson I was back to floating and standing back up from either my front or back, and progressed to the first stage of learning the backstroke, which is to float on my back, arms by my side, and then kick my legs to move forward. 

I still need a bit more practice, but essentially, I have overcome my fear so progress will be easier. I'll be practicing again today as friend L has asked me to go swimming with her, so we're off to Melksham pool this afternoon for an hour. I'm certainly getting my exercise in for the week as I have personal training at 8:30 am as well.


  1. Oh, well done, that is brilliant and will make such a difference. xx

  2. Good for you Eileen. Such a big achievement too. I still can't bear being out of my depth in water or getting water on my face!

  3. Well done Eileen, that's excellent xx

  4. This is wonderful! good for you.

  5. I'm glad the swimming went well. It sounds like a good idea to concentrate on one stroke before tacking another.


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