Friday 5th November

Yesterday's HIIT workout session was more to my liking. I can't really explain why, and some of the others have said the same, but it was much calmer than the previous session. This particular instructor runs other sessions, not related to the 30 day programme, so I think I will do one of those instead of the Tuesday one.

There's very little in the diary for today, just the usual nutrition focus at 11am and a nutrition session for the 30 day programme this afternoon. I'm looking forward to a quiet day, just relaxing at home and doing whatever I fancy.


  1. That's good you had a better workout. Enjoy your restful day.

    1. Thanks Eileen. I have the expected post exercise aches this morning but that's to be expected and I did enjoy the class.

      I hope you have a good day too x

  2. Glad to hear you found an instructor you can workout with. Will you continue with your knee strengthen rountine? How's the carb cutting coming along? While I'm not ready to cut out, I am certainly cutting back & being more aware of my choices, especially around carbs & the hidden sugars. In my sleep/anxiety follow up workshop, the instructor talked about carbs & sleep patterns, & how one affects the other. Happy weekend.

    1. Yes, I'm still doing the knee strengthening exercises.

      So far it's going well but not sure that there is any weight loss to note at this stage. This isn't a low carb approach though. Wheat is excluded to test for gluten intolerance as that's one of the most common food intolerances but can be included again if I don't experience any adverse symptoms following reintroduction. I think that's on day 11. White potatoes are excluded because of the impact on blood sugar balance but will also be reintroduced before the month is out. I still can't remember why caffeine is excluded - something to do with hydration maybe? - but again, it gets included back in the diet at a later date.

      Hope you have a good weekend too.

  3. Glad to hear that the second workout session suited you better and you might take this instructor's classes instead of the Tuesday sessions. Sounds like a nice, relaxed day, which is a good way to ease into the weekend, I think. :) I have a couple of things to do on my agenda for today - made the call to the furnace company first thing in the morning (they will send out a technician on Monday) and I've started the process of sorting through the items I store on the old computer desk.

    1. They confirmed today that we don't have to attend the exercise classes if we don't want to. Probably the wrong thing to say to me but I will give them a good try first.

      Good news about the furnace company. Monday's not long to wait. Enjoy your sorting!


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