Saturday 6th November

I had a lovely relaxing day yesterday and have nothing planned for today. This means I don't know what to write about, so I won't! 

Back tomorrow x


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Bless, I've had a lovely, restful day. Hope it's been the same for you too.

  2. Have a very good day again today :-)

    1. Thanks Eileen. I've had my nose stuck in a book for most of the day ... it's been great. Hope you've had a good day too.

  3. How lovely. I hope today is just as restful.

    1. Thanks Joy. It has been ... I've had a lovely restful day and have recharged my batteries! xx

  4. Funnily enough I thought of you yesterday, as they were fixing a very battered but much-loved tuba on The Repair Shop. John poured water into it to find the leaks, which reminded me of your washing brass instruments in the sink. I nearly texted you but I was watching several hours after broadcast (I record it) so there would have been no point. I know you are off TV for a while but if you are interested, you could always find it on iPlayer...

    1. Thanks Lady Ella. Was that in this week's episode? I'll have a look tomorrow.

    2. It was yesterday's episode of the latest series. I think it airs around 4.30 or 5 pm daily. (Not to be confused with the repeat of a much earlier series, running concurrently. I think that airs once a week, Weds or Thursday evening.)

    3. I found it and watched it. Many thanks for letting me know. That really was a battered but well loved tuba, and he did a great job of the restoration. xx


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