Weekly Reflections

 Reasons to be cheerful ...

  • chatting with family and friends
  • the first bud on my new red rose
  • hearing that my friend's daughter won an award at work 
  • watching a video of Baby R, now nearly 9 months old, who is almost walking unaided ... he's such a gorgeous little man
  • finding some free Italian language courses on Open Learn
  • making progress with the decluttering and reaching the point where I am waiting for quotes which, if accepted, will remove over half of the remainder of the decluttered items (in terms of bulk) from the house
  • time spent in the garden and out walking
  • getting my act together and choosing sewing patterns for a shirt and a skirt ... just have to choose the fabrics now!
  • planning my list of activities to celebrate summer 
  • having as assortment of dates in the diary to look forward to
  • hearing from M and the relief that the no show was a mix up and not due to anything horrible

I am grateful ...
  • for C's help to catalogue all the photography equipment
  • for online ordering and postal delivery of my repeat prescriptions
  • that I live in a country where we experience the changing seasons

Lifestyle changes
  • exercise (30 minutes minimum every day): achieved 
  • weight: 1 lb loss

End of Lockdown Adventures
  • In the next 7 days: arrange to meet with friends for coffee.  Achieved with 2 out of the 3 friends I'd planned to meet. Carrying this one over to next week.

  • In the next month (up to the end of June)two trips to National Trust/English Heritage properties by the end of June - Only 50% achieved: spent an afternoon at The Courts Garden, but didn't fit in a second trip to another NT property

  • In the next 12 monthscomplete twelve items on my post lockdown list. In progress


  1. Your flowers are looking gorgeous, such a pretty fuchsia. Aww Baby R, he is doing well for 9 months old I can just imagine that video being lovely to watch. You are doing well with your decluttering project and I hope your efforts get you some good quotes and a result. Plenty of reasons to be cheerful and lots to look forward to.

    1. The video of Baby R really cheered me up and I've watched it quite a few times. I'm ready to let all this latest decluttering go so am pleased, and relieved, to have started the process and to be in the position where I am waiting on other people to complete their actions.

  2. So beautiful flowers! It must be a delight to spend time in that lovely garden you have. No wonder you have so many reasons to be cheerful and grateful.

    Have a nice Sunday! :)

    1. Having the garden is a real bonus and I am enjoying being able to spend a lot of time out there.

      I hope you have a lovely Sunday too x

  3. Hello Eileen,
    You have many good reasons to be happy. You managed to achieve the goals you set yourself.
    Your flowers are beautiful! I love the princess earring.
    I wish you a great Sunday and a new week full of good things.

    1. Thanks Ailime. The fuchsias are beautiful and I hope they survive the winter.

      I hope you have a lovely Sunday and a good week ahead to look forward to x

  4. Lots of lovely reasons to be cheerful and grateful this week, too. Your flowers are gorgeous! I love those fuchsias! They look like ballerinas or flower fairies! The rose is lovely too, and cosmos are a favorite of mine! Well done on the 1 lb. weight loss! Hope the week ahead will be another good one.

    1. They do look like ballerinas don't they. The ones in the top photo, the pink ones, are absolutely beautiful and the photo doesn't do them justice. I've been trying to identify the variety but no luck so far.

      Thanks re the weight loss. I've a feeling it's just fluctuation and there is no real reduction in weight but I'll see what happens next week.

      I hope you have a good week too xx


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