
This week's Nutrition Club focused on hydration, stressing the importance of staying adequately hydrated and correcting some poor information doing the rounds.

So the signs of inadequate hydration could include headaches, dizziness, constipation, and dry skin - I will point out that I only made notes on the ones that apply to me so the full list of signs is actually much longer. As we get older the body's signals for fluids (i.e. feeling thirsty) often get confused with that of hunger, so by the time we respond correctly and take in fluid, the body is already dehydrated. Claudia used the analogy of a pot plant that has completely dried out and wilted - when you realise and try to water it, the majority of the water runs straight through. This is exactly the same for a dehydrated body - if you then take in water too quickly when dehydrated, the water will pass quickly through the body and pass as urine without rehydrating all of the cells in your body. If you think you are dehydrated the best way to rehydrate is to slowly sip water.

Claudia then went on the say that we are at higher risk of being dehydrated first thing in the morning after a long period of no fluid intake during the night. The first drink is therefore possibly the most important one of the day and the recommendation is for that drink to be water or infused water, e.g. infused with cucumber, mint, and ginger but ideally not with fruit. 

Throughout the day we should aim to drink 8 glasses of fluid. This is the total amount so can include tea and coffee but we need to remember that tea and coffee are also diuretics. If we're not drinking that much already we should gradually increase the amount of water until we can comfortably manage the recommended 8 glasses. It's better to drink some of those 8 glasses as small regular sips rather than by drinking the whole glass of water in one go.

The only other thing I made a note of is that the advice to drink a glass of water before a meal is poor advice as this only serves to dilute the digestive juices and so impacts on digestion. The same applies to drinking water during a meal.

Thankfully, I drink plenty of fluids throughout the day so don't need to make any major changes. I just need to keep an eye on things to make sure I am drinking the recommended 8 glasses. 


  1. GM and I drink tap water, but every now and then we buy a 1.5 litre bottle of water from the supermarket, and then use the bottle, by refilling it from the tap and then using that, then we can be sure we have drunk enough during the day. Obviously the bottles last a few months, so we don't feel as if we are impacting too badly on plastic use - I often then use them for gardening purposes anyway.

    1. I quite often drink boiled water instead of coffee. My drinks seem to now tally with my walking every hour so I know that I am taking in more than enough fluid throughout the day.

  2. Ooops - I've just had a coffee and two plums . . .

    1. Haha, never mind ... it sounds lovely xx

  3. Very interesting information and not something I've given much thought to previously but will do now. Those four signs you noted apply to me. Thanks for sharing the information.

    1. The most useful part of the nutrition talks for me is that it doesn't stop at suggestion a food that you should or shouldn't eat but goes on to explain the impact it will have on your body and so on your wellbeing. I hadn't really given too much thought about fluids before this but will keep an eye on it now.

  4. Thanks for sharing this info. I have often been told (medically) that I am dehydrated. Sipping seems to be a key point, I will incorporate rather than the gulping. I have 8 little glasses on my daytime "To Do" sheet & I never can tick them all off.

    1. The advice was to build up to the 8 glasses a day so start with an amount you are comfortable with, say 4 glasses, and add ½ a glass per day taking the extra by sipping. Don't rush it and don't increase the daily amount too quickly. Good luck x

  5. I need to drink more water than I do. I know I am often dehydrated! I used to be much better about drinking water when I worked because refilling my water bottle was a good excuse to get up and walk away from my desk! :D

    1. Is your daughter good at drinking enough every day? Maybe ask her to nag you if she is 😏


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