Lifestyle Changes

I'm looking forward to another busy week with plenty of online talks and clubs to support the lifestyle changes I want and need. Each session is about one hour long:
  • the fourth diabetes prevention session at lunchtime today. I think we are focusing on achieving balanced eating and balanced lifestyle.
  • Nutrition Chef on Tuesday
  • Nutrition Club on Wednesday
  • Indian Cooking on Thursday (strictly speaking not a health driven lifestyle change, more a 'could live on Indian food all the time' sort of thing!)
  • Nutrition Focus on Friday, and 
  • Mobility exercise on Saturday 
I think this will be the only week I'll sign up for the Nutrition Chef session. We were given the recipes on Friday at the Nutrition Focus session and they are easy to follow, so unless there is access to additional information I will give the future ones a miss to keep my Tuesdays free. I've signed up for the exercise class on Saturday just to see what it involves. I still need to address how to improve balance, flexibility and strength so am hoping this will fit the bill.

All of this seems to be the sole focus of my life at the moment. So far I have tweaked my diet and portion sizes and been rewarded with a 6 lbs weight loss since I started 7 weeks ago. On the diet side of things I have also reduced the amount of salt in my diet and will change to decaffeinated coffee as soon as the local supplier reopens. I'm also consistently achieving my target of 10,000 daily steps, so that's my first goal achieved. This means it's time to set a new goal but I will wait to see what we are asked to do on tomorrow's course. 

I am starting to feel some improvements as a result of the changes I've made, which I am over the moon about, but I won't know for some months whether the changes are reducing my blood sugar readings or not. The blood tests for this won't be repeated until November but I may ask if it can be added to my July bloods, even though they are for a completely different issue. I'd just like some confirmation that I'm on the right track.


  1. Small, achievable steps and time to get then established and grounded. I truly think it's the only way to really make a difference and you're doing so well.

    1. That advice is repeated constantly - small changes make a difference and it all adds up.

      Thanks Joy, I'm pleased with my progress so far ☺️ xx

  2. You are doing well losing six pounds so you are on the right track especially as you can feel some improvements already. My husband has to test his blood glucose every day and you could always buy a blood glucose monitor yourself but to be honest it's not really necessary as you are doing all the right things, try not to worry.

    1. Thanks Eileen. I'm happy with the weight loss but, although I know I'm doing all the right things for the blood sugar, I still have this nagging worry at the back of my mind. I won't bother with a monitor - I have regular blood tests so any issues will be picked up reasonably quickly.

  3. Looks like you have something to look forward to every day, this week! Your lifestyle changes are coming along nicely and you are starting to see some results! Well done on the weight loss! Slow and steady wins the race, they say. :)

    1. Yes, I stay more motivated if I have things to look forward to. I'm feeling positive than I will be able to keep this going. There are bound to be set backs but I am feeling confident that I can do this!

  4. Lots of variety for your viewing pleasures this week. Most of the online diet & life style changes locally are run by the doctor's office, which means few & far between, with waiting lists even for online. It is good news to hear that you are feeling the affects of your changes, which proves small & simple changes can work! You, Eileen are becoming the poster child for health! Yeah!

    1. The only medical referral is the diabetes prevention course. All the others, the nutrition and the Indian cookery, are classes I found online and available to all - in the UK definitely but not sure of other countries. At the moment they are all free but will be chargeable from next month.

      It's a lot of information to take in but I am happy with my first lot of changes and I feel that it's enough for now. I definitely have to be the 'before' picture on any poster 😂😂

  5. Dear Eileen,

    we have just discovered your blog and have read with admiration your plans for bringing changes to your lifestyle.

    It is often so much easier to just bury one's head in the sand when it comes to making changes which seem difficult or beyond one's capabilities, but all credit to your determination to take matters into your own hands.

    Your day is certainly packed with interest. It is good to have structure to one's days and this does look like an extremely busy week ahead. Whatever, having support and advice from others is always a more congenial way to make changes than simply doing things on one's own.

    Already, you are seeing benefits, which is so encouraging. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words but I'm not really taking matters into my own hands as I am following medical advice. The changes I am now making are all things I have heard before but not acted on and it has taken a recent health scare to make me get my act together. So far all the changes will provide obvious benefits and fit in with the things discussed in my last GP consultation.

  6. The recipes and cooking activities sound like fun. I'm impressed by your weight loss achievement and that you're getting your steps in. I look forward to hearing what you do for increasing strength.

    1. I don't really know what to do for the strength and balance side of things. I'm trying out a few different online classes to see if any of them grab my interest. I'll let you know when I do decide.

  7. Great news on the health front!

    1. Thanks Sharon. It's a step in the right direction at least.


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